Suggestions for Piston plugins

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Flenix, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hey guys,
    So Pistons are out, and I already have ideas of various things we could add to improve them. Some, I don't even know if they're possible, but they're all ideas i'd love to see:

    -Redstone Pistons:
    As in, pistons can carry a redstone current. Say you had a chain of four together, if you powered one end then it would extend, and the rest would stay normal. With this plugin, powering the first one would extend it, THEN extend the next one, THEN the next one and THEN the last one (or however many you have) - doing them seperately instead of all at once (mainly to avoid bugs)

    -More Sticky Pistons:
    Right now, if you have a sticky piston, attached to another sticky piston, attached to a block, it doesn't work as well as you'd hope. If you extended both pistons, it'd push the block along too as you'd want. However, you then pull back the second piston and the block pulls back too. BUT, pulling back the first piston only pulls the second one, and not the block its stuck to! something to make the Sticky pistons "stickier" would be nice :)
    (basically what I mean is once a block is touching a sticky pistons mechanism, its ALWAYS stuck to it until the block or piston are removed)

    -Hard Crafting Sticky Pistons:
    Just a bit of fun really. Right click a normal piston with a slimeball turns it into a sticky piston.. useful if you want to change one thats already in a circuit :)

    That's all I got for now, anyone got any other suggestions? I'll add them to this post with credits :)
    Oh, and I don't expect any one person to make all of these (although they're welcome to!) - they'd probably be best in individual plugins, or individually disabled if wanted.
  2. Offline

    Connor Mahaffey

    I had thought about doing this myself, these exact ideas lol, and started yesterday, unfortunately, two things happened:

    1. The author (or temporary updater) of Quantum Connectors is adding piston support for his plugin which has a similar feature that carries across all redstone (makes wireless redstone basically).
    2. Currently, piston's set manually by devs don't work (the piston head disappears, its a known issue in bukkit)

    I originally thought this meant the end to my project but now I'm not sure. Pistons that can pull more than one block are something I really want to add. It would be quite difficult to make, but I may still do it, I haven't decided.

    Regardless Bukkit needs to update first.
  3. Offline


    What if you could use a button to power the piston wireless
  4. Offline

    Connor Mahaffey

    That's how it works I believe, its a button and the object you want to use, just no redstone in between
  5. Offline


    this. Eagerly awaiting this.
  6. Offline


    sorry i didn't explain a lot but what if you could place the button directly on the piston, ex. /button receiver, place on the piston powering the piston plus all the pistons connected to that piston, then /button sender, place the button somewhere else, which could then be connect to redstone then to a lever which turns the pistons on
  7. Offline


    THAT. is a brilliant thought!
  8. Offline

    Connor Mahaffey

    Yea I guess that would work, you'll have to try it!
  9. Offline


    Could you make a plugin where you could customize the stickiness of sticky pistons? The plugin I had in mind would be that you place a sticky piston, then enter a command like /stickypiston #, where # is that amount of blocks that the sticky piston will stick to. So if you want to make a sticky piston push and pull 3 blocks, you'd enter </stickypiston 3>, then right click on the sticky piston in question, then the next 3 blocks after the extended end would move when the piston moves. I know some about Java, but not enough about Bukkit's API, and don't have the time to learn.
  10. Offline

    Connor Mahaffey

    It's possible I think, if you know the direction the piston is facing. Where you'd run into problems is extended pistons, etc.

    I'm sure lots of these types of things will be made when the Bukkit API for pistons is complete.
  11. Offline


    I'd be willing to bet that there is or will be some method for getting the direction that the piston is facing.
    By Extended pistons do you mean a sticky piston attached to a sticky piston? in this case, could you disallow the stickys from stacking? This sounds like it could be a pain in the butt.
  12. A mod that makes the pistons stronger would be nice.
    So it can push 100 block instead of 12.
    With this we could make great bridge builder.

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