Suggestion for matching UUIDs

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HeadGam3z, Jun 3, 2014.

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    I'm going to make this command when I get home for my guard plugin. Basically what I'm going to do is make a command to check who is on duty (guard plugin).

    What I did is get the player's UUID and add a boolean named "duty" to determine whether a guard is on duty or not.

    So, to make a command to check who is on duty, I thought I could loop through the online players and get the UUIDs of them and match them with the saved file for UUIDs of guards. Then if there is a match, and the boolean is true, I'll send the player a message with the players' name who is on duty.

    Does this sound like it'll work to you guys? Just trying to think this through before I get home and start to work on it.
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