
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TenchiPlaysMC, Mar 2, 2015.

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    Plugin category:

    Suggested name:

    What I want:
    See now what I want is a speed plugin for when you right click a sugar it gives you speed, there's a couple plugins out there but not with fully-customization. I would like this to have lots of customization.

    Ideas for commands:
    /ss reload - Reloads the configuration
    /ss give - Gives the player the SugarSpeed item

    Ideas for permissions:

    Config Example:
    #Name of the SugarSpeed item
    sugar-name: '&3SugarSpeed &7(Right Click)'
    #Lore of the SugarSpeed item
    lore: '&7Right click to activate/deactivate SugarSpeed!'
    #When a player joins the sugar will go to the desired slot.
    slot: 5
    #Will the item be enchanted?
    enchanted: true (Hide the enchantment, I know that's possible!)
    #The level of the speed boost
    amplifier: 2
    #Message for when they enable SugarSpeed
    - ''
    - '&aYou''ve just enabled SugarSpeed' (With multiple lines, you can add and delete lines!)
    - ''
    #Message for when they disable SugarSpeed
    - ''
    - '&cYou''ve just disabled SugarSpeed'
    - ''
    #Whether or not the player can move the item
    item-movement: false
    #Whether or not the player can drop the item
    drop-item: false
    #When the player dies will the SugarSpeed item go back to their inventory?
    give-on-death: true

    When I'd like it by:

    Soon as possible :D
  2. Offline


    I can attempt this :)
  3. Offline


    This would be great :)
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