Strange characters in chat using text-based ChatColor

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SaxSalute, Aug 6, 2015.

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    Only pay attention to the last line of chat. This is the result of pulling "§4DEV" from my ResourceBundle where ChatColors have to be specified using § notation because of differences in color between the different language servers. I have no clue what's causing this, as I have used these same resource strings and formatting methods in other plugins without incident. Any ideas?
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    Could we see your code?
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    I can't really give much since this is all woven into an enum of account ranks. The relevant information is that I'm getting �4DEV out of the ResourceBundle instead of §4DEV. I'm certain that this is the point of the issue, I just don't know why it's happening.

    Getting the resource is <ResourceBundle>.getString("")

    And that is the resource line "§4DEV"

    EDIT: More specifically, the § character is being read as �
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2015
  4. You need to compile/save in UTF-8
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    How would I go about specifying that/checking what it's being compiled as? I've checked my pom files on other projects, and they work perfectly without explicitly specifying UTF-8. Where else could that setting be?
  6. I think it's on *right click project*, properties, compiling
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    Or just use color codes, and ChatColor#translateAlternateColorCodes
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