Solved Strange bug in my raycast code

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JRL1004, Jan 9, 2017.

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    It's most than likely something very simple, but I am confused as to what is going on.

    The bug: My collision detection code along the XZ plane (I ignored the Y-axis temporarily to make computations easier), only works occasionally. Most of the time, it fails to check for collisions properly. I am mostly using built-in Java classes and methods for the hit-detection parts, with bit of my own code to make things a bit simpler. There aren't any errors, instead the program claims that there was a collision when there was not.

    EDIT: I found the issue. I failed to use the Java methods properly in the first place, so everything was functioning correctly and I was just putting in all the wrong information.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
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