Stop squid spawning

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by davr, Mar 14, 2011.

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    One of my multiworlds is a completely water world. It's pretty fun, we're building underwater cities and stuff. However there's one problem -- 500+ squids will spawn at once, completely lagging out any clients in that world. My request is a way to stop squids from spawning. I've tried:

    Mob Control -- crashes the server upon first user connecting
    Crowd Control -- can 'nuke' all existing squids, but cannot stop squids from spawning (confirmed by plugin author, the server spawns them differently from other animals apparently)

    Can someone make me a simple AntiSquid plugin? Maybe even better would be a mob limiting plugin, eg limit to at max 50 squids per world or something.

    Also if there are any suggestions on other ways of stopping squids from lagging out the clients.

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    would be awesome if someone can do it, please.
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