Stop People /tp to PVP World

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by wisby, Jul 30, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    hello at the moment im using commandbook to let some of my players /tp to others.

    now ive just added a pvp world and the problem is that people can teleport from the normal world to the pvp world.

    it there anyway i can block people /tp from world to pvpworld

    so that people can still /tp around the normal world but cant /tp to people in the pvpworld

    i have removed the tp permission node in the pvpworld so people cant use /tp there but they can still use it in the normal world to /tp to pvpworld

    i don't mined if i have to use another plugin to achieve this but i had a look around and couldn't see one that blocks tping to different worlds.

    thanks for your help :)
  2. Offline


    agust the commandbook plugin when ur on his thread u can custimize the plugin a bit read thru it
  3. Offline


    nope i dont think you understand the question mate i want to make it so people can only /tp to people in the same world as them not to others in a different world. i know commandbook cant stop people /tp to people in other worlds i want to know if there is another player teleportaion plugin that stops people /tp ing to people in other worlds
  4. Offline


    change it to /tp worldpvp?
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