Stained Glass Panes in GUI's for all versions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by runaowi, Oct 29, 2020.

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    Plugin Version: 1.16.3

    Hi, i'm trying to develop a plugin which has an Inventory which brings up glass panes, however im not sure how to have the Glass work for versions 1.12 and below. I have tried the Material.LEGACY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE and set the durability on that with an itemstack, but the material and new ItemStack() is deprecated, as is #setDurability().
    If anyone could help that would be amazing, thank you:D I've got a method to get the server version, but thats as far as i have.
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    Deprecated doesn't mean doesn't work. Just means there's likely a better and newer way to do it.
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    I know, im just trying not to use any deprecated methods as i would prefer to use the better way, do you happen to know what the way is?
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    There may not be one. The reason it's deprecated now is because Minecraft no longer uses the item id's, instead everything has a material. So in this case you may have to use the deprecated method. I've not Google'd it much but I doubt I'd find anything if I did.
    runaowi likes this.
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    Ah okay, thank you, hopefully someone else knows if there is a better method without using Deprecated stuff, thank you:D I also tried googling it, i found nothing and it had been roughly a day ive spent looking thats why i posted here:)

    just a disclaimer this isnt solved, feel free to help if you can:p
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