Plugin category: Help/Admin Suggested name: OnlineStaff What I want: I would like a plugin where on /cstaff it gives a list of staff online and their prefix, I'd like to to work with PEX. I'm not really sure how to give a full description so I'm going to surf some servers to find an example. Ideas for commands: /staff . Ideas for permissions: staff.list (Permission to be added to list) staff.list.hide (Be hidden from the staff list) When I'd like it by: ASAP After only a short amount of searching on top minecraft servers I found this: That is exactly what I'm looking for (The top bar would need to be customizable and maybe some config options). EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hey Four_Down! If you're unable to find that plugin just let me know if your chat prefix plugin sets the display name and I'll be able to whip something up.
Hey! I have not yet found a plugin! If you are able to make one extreamly similar to the one a gave a picture of, I will love you forever!
Adding to that "hide" permissions, I'd add a command for it, for quick hiding when you don't want to talk to someone
That's a good idea, thanks! Yes, I have. I've also spoken to a few server owners, most of the plugins are private. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
i am i server i created my own staff plugin but its a but different i will modify it for you currently it looks like this -------------------------[LegendarySMP]------------------- Owner: IcyRelic Co-Owner: none SuperAdmin: none Admin: none Mod: none ---------------------------------------------------------------- looks something like that i can edit it for you it doesnt display the prefix of the player tho would u like me to edit it? i can do what your asking for it just wont display the group prefix EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I wouldn't recommend it, since it's already been done, and can be found on BukkitDev. Although, if you'd like, he has the source for it on GitHub, which you are more than free to check out.
already have my own source created by me Four_Down you already requested this plugin... i found that browsing bukkit dev EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Wow. That's just blown my mind, I don't remember that at all! thanks! Sweet, could you post on here when it's up?
Wow, you pretty much described cStaff word for word. I feel ninja'd! And the work on cStaff was split fairly equally between Developher and I; in fact, the earliest versions were entirely his builds. I just added some features (eg. config support) and cleaned up the code.
DUBSTEP CAT! Picture (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Picture (open) Picture (close) Sorry this is really turning into a habit isn't it...
No, as the idea of the plugin is to provide staff member names that players seeking help can /msg. Trying to PM a nickname won't do, so that feature isn't present. Prefix support could be added for the SuperPerms manager of your choice, but as I have very little time at the moment, that task would need to fall to Developher.
So the sever name at the top is changeable? (In config?) Also, could you upload an example config to the plugin page, thanks!