Stacktrace error. Can anyone read it?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Cyber_Pigeon, Jul 27, 2014.

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    What it is?

    Well, it's a NoSuchMethodException...
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    The exception is not in your code, it's in CraftBukkit. I can't tell you exactly where because you chose to screenshot it instead of actually posting the whole thing, but that's a bit of an irrelevant detail anyway.

    I can't tell you exactly why it's happening without seeing the relevant code.
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    Garris0n this one is actually visible
    Cyber_Pigeon you need a no arg constructor in your main class.

    me.momo.Main is the class, <init> stands for something in the init process. The only method called there is the constructor. (In other cases it could also be on different lines, like when you cause a NPE due to invalid static usage or smth, but that is not the case here).

    The last part is for the arguments. In this case there are no parameter types, '()'
    Cyber_Pigeon likes this.
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    I suppose you can sort-of see it at the top, but in general people should not just post screenshots of stack traces.

    As for the actual problem, I assumed as such, but I figured I may as well wait for the full code to both confirm it and alert the OP of any other issues.
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