Solved Stack Overflow?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Raydond123, Feb 8, 2015.

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    I'm getting this error that I haven't gotten before with plugins using multiple classes. I'm relatively new using multiple classes so sorry if I'm a bit "nooby".
    First of, I'm getting a java.lang.StackOverflow error when my plugin starts up. Looking at the stack trace, these are the parts of the two files that are causing the problems.
    Countdowns (open)

    Main plugin;
        LobbyHandler lobbyHandler;
        TeamDeathmatchHandler teamDeathmatchHandler;
        public Countdowns(Main plugin) {
            this.plugin = plugin;
            lobbyHandler = new LobbyHandler(plugin);
            teamDeathmatchHandler = new TeamDeathmatchHandler(plugin);

    LobbyHandler (open)

    Main plugin;
        Countdowns countdowns;
        public LobbyHandler(Main plugin) {
            this.plugin = plugin;
            countdowns = new Countdowns(plugin);

    The console is just spammed with errors saying that the following lines of codes are causing the problem.
    Show Spoiler

    LobbyHandler lobbyHandler;
    lobbyHandler = new LobbyHandler(plugin);
    Countdowns = countdowns;
    countdowns = new Countdowns(plugin);

    I'm confused as to why this is causing a problem in my plugin. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.
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    You're creating objects in the constructor endlessly. Countdowns creates a new LobbyHandler, and LobbyHandler creates a new Countdowns, etc.

    You should have your main class create both instances, store them, and provide a getter for those values:

    1. public Countdowns getCountdowns() {
    2. return this.countdowns;
    3. }
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    If I already have a constructor for the Main class in all of my classes could I just do plugin.[class-name here].
        Main plugin;
        public Countdowns(Main plugin) {
            this.plugin = plugin;
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    You didn't read his post carefully enough. Read it again and see your problem.
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    I see my problem but what I was asking if it's really necessary to have a getter method inside the Main class.
    Couldn't I just use the following to get access things in my other classes?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
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    In something like C#, yes, that would be normal convention, but in Java you're generally going to have a method to return the value rather than getting it directly.
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