SSBB: Hammer Music

Discussion in 'Resources' started by chasechocolate, Mar 19, 2013.

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    So I was fooling around on my piano today and I discovered the keys to play the music that plays when you get a hammer item in Super Smash Bros (Brawl). So... of course... I wanted to be able to play it using the note block sounds. I just created a few methods, one to loop to play the notes so I wouldn't have to copy-and-paste the note-playing code lines and the other to actually play the sound. Here is the code:
    1. //Made it protected because it is an unnecessary method, that is, most likely only used in this class
    2. protected void playNoteSound(Player player, Note note, int times){
    3. for(int i = 0; i < times; i++){
    4. player.playNote(player.getLocation(), Instrument.PIANO, note);
    5. }
    6. }
    8. //Actually playing the sound
    9. public void playHammerMusic(Player player){
    10. Note g = new Note(5, Note.Tone.G, false);
    11. Note b = new Note(6, Note.Tone.B, false);
    12. Note d = new Note(6, Note.Tone.D, false);
    14. //The music
    15. this.playNoteSound(player, g, 5);
    16. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    17. this.playNoteSound(player, g, 1);
    18. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    19. this.playNoteSound(player, g, 1);
    20. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 5);
    21. this.playNoteSound(player, d, 1);
    22. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    23. this.playNoteSound(player, d, 1);
    24. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    26. //And repeat...
    27. this.playNoteSound(player, g, 5);
    28. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    29. this.playNoteSound(player, g, 1);
    30. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    31. this.playNoteSound(player, g, 1);
    32. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 5);
    33. this.playNoteSound(player, d, 1);
    34. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    35. this.playNoteSound(player, d, 1);
    36. this.playNoteSound(player, b, 1);
    37. }

    I have not actually tested how this will function in-game; it may need to have a few tick delay in between each note playing. If someone is willing to test this and see how it will function, feel free!
    xWatermelon likes this.
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    Instead of repeat, why not use a loop and a delayed scheduler? :3

    Thanks, I will try this out
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    Pretty sure you need delays between each note
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    Yeah, you probably do. Might add that into the code after a few tests.
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    chasechocolate Did you ever work this out. Would be awesome to see what you came up with...
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    A simple way would be to make a new thread (Async task), and use Thread.sleep() in that.
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