(Spout) Getting the center of the screen

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by stelar7, Oct 11, 2011.

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    How would i get the center of the screen?
    I've tried many combinations, but i just cant find the right one ...

    1. PopupScreen popup = new GenericPopup();
    2. Button button = (Button) new GenericButton("Button").setWidth(200).setHeight(20);
    3. popup.attachWidget(plugin, button);
    4. if (sender instanceof SpoutPlayer) {
    5. SpoutPlayer sp = (SpoutPlayer) sender;
    6. //this is the part in question!
    7. button.setX(sp.getMainScreen().getWidth() / 2).setY(sp.getMainScreen().getHeight() / 2);
    8. sp.getMainScreen().attachPopupScreen(popup);
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    the getMainScreen().getWidth()/2 will return the center...BUT remember your button is right justified, so the center of the button is not at the center of the screen. You need to correct for that.

    Try this:

    button.setX(sp.getMainScreen().getWidth() / 2 - button.getWidth() / 2).setY(sp.getMainScreen().getHeight() / 2 - button.getHeight() / 2);
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    is there a way to get the button involved in a ButtonClickEvent?

    public void onButtonClick(ButtonClickEvent event) {
    	if (event.getButton().equals(sometingh?)) {
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    I always found the little piece of code Afforess works for me. Also, you need to have some if statements in your onButtonClick functions. A really simple way of doing this is to ensure that no button has the same name as any other button and check the button text. Obviously this is a really primitive and inefficient way, but it works :)
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