Solved Speed up crop growth?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Hex_27, Feb 21, 2015.

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    I'm trying to get crops nearby a specific block to grow faster by using this code:
    //this checks if there's a special block nearby
            if(hasNearbyGModel(event.getBlock(), 1) != null){
                //this checks the block's kind
                if(hasNearbyGModel(event.getBlock(), 1) == Material.IRON_BLOCK){
                    event.getBlock().setData((byte) (event.getNewState().getRawData() + (byte) 1));
                    //this checks the block's kind
    if(hasNearbyGModel(event.getBlock(), 1) == Material.GOLD_BLOCK){
                    event.getBlock().setData((byte) (event.getNewState().getRawData() + (byte) 2));
    //this checks the block's kind
                }else if(hasNearbyGModel(event.getBlock(), 1) == Material.EMERALD_BLOCK){
                    event.getBlock().setData((byte) (event.getNewState().getRawData() + (byte) 3));
    So basically, I'm using BlockGrowEvent to do this, and attempting to change the plant's data to let it grow
  2. BlockGrowMethod, get the blocks data, increase by 1, set.

        public void on(BlockGrowEvent e) {
            e.getBlock().setData((byte) (e.getBlock().getData() + 1));
    Untested, but should increase growth rate by 2x?

    Try it. You may also want to check if the block is fully grown or not first, to avoid over-setting the data value.
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