Spawn zombies that follow you and help you pvp

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by glasseater, Jul 18, 2015.

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    Hey everyone!

    I am wondering what the easiest way to spawn zombies on right click of a mob egg and the zombies would follow behind you and help you pvp the person you attack/attacks you. I know this may seem like I am trying to copy mineplex. However, I am not. I am doing this for a fun little project and for a learning experience.

    Thank you in advance,
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    Create a custom zombie with the wolf AI and spawn it instead of the normal zombie when it you right click with the spawn egg.
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    @khave I was looking into RemoteEntities but that is outdated. Do you know of any others?
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    Just look at the countless tutorials about making custom mobs.
    Not much has changed except some names and the like, but it should be easy to find.
    There's also some newly made tutorials on spigotmc, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link those.
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