Source Code For Balance And Kill For Reward

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Gonzxor, Jun 20, 2013.

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    Im just wondering if anyone knows the source code for bal (Essentials) and Kill for reward (Essentials).

    I want to make a cool plugin for pvp.


    Also if anyone knows how to make plugin so that when you click a sign it checks if you have the certain amount of money and then if you do it sends out a command.


    Permission For Warp

    So if you bought this it would give you permission for warp.


    The sign is almost as a command block that tests for money and then if its true it goes to another command block.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted bit url>
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    Windy Day

    Better yet!
    Just import essentials as a external jar then just use Economy.whatever!
    Example for buying:
    if (Economy.hasEnough(player.getName(), double amount)) {
    //stuff here for whatever they just bought!
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    I dont understand.
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    Windy Day

    What don't you understand? This is telling you how you could implement Essentials economy into the plugin, so you can buy things.
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    Im sorry im new at this stuff. So I believe you are answering my second question about the signs. Well its not that I want people to buy stuff with signs Im wondering if you can make a sign that when it.

    1. Checks that the player has the amount of money.
    2. Removes money
    3. Sends out command (Like /warp test)

    Sorry also, I am not trying to sound like "I want" or "I need". I dont want you too wright it all I just dont how to do this.
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    Windy Day

    It's all good here is a bit of code that you could use and I'll tell you what it accomplishes in the code:
          @EventHandler(priority=EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled=true)     //event for bukkit
          public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) throws UserDoesNotExistException,  NoLoanPermittedException {     //still event from bukkit
            Player player = event.getPlayer();     //this gets the player from the event of PlayerInteractEvent
            Action action = event.getAction();     //this gets the action that was preformed
            if (action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {      //check if the action was right clicking
                int clicked = event.getClickedBlock().getTypeId();      //gets the block that was right clicked and gets its id
                if (clicked==63||clicked==68) {      //check if the block id equals 63 or 68 (Sign or sign on wall)
                    Sign theSign = (Sign)event.getClickedBlock().getState();      //cast the block as a sign (so the next line can be done)
                    if (theSign.getLine(0).equals("whateveryouwantthefirstlineofyousignt0be")) {      //checks the sign's (clicked block) first line and if it equals something
                        if (theSign.getLine(1).equals("")) {      //if the first line is equal to what you put, check the second line for a certain string (this would all signs with different functions but all have the same first line (like the first line could be your plugin's name) example: one sign could be potion effects and the other could be items)
                            if (Economy.hasEnough(player.getName(), double(amount of money it cost))) {      //finally if all above is true it gets essentials economy and checks if the player from the event have enough money (accomplished 1)
                                Economy.subtract(player.getName(), 10.0);     //then if they do subtract the amount from their balance (accomplished 2)
                                player.sendMessage("it worked!");      //this is where you put what you want the sign to do this will just send them a message saying it worked! However, you can put whatever you want here. (accomplished 3)
    Hope this helps you and clears somethings up!
    This accomplishes :
    1. Checks that the player has the amount of money.
    2. Removes money
    3. Sends out command (Like /warp test)
    I put in the notes where it is accompished
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