soulbound items

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Fungreenfox, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. What we need is a plugin, which can prevent specific items from being traded atall.
    Even if someone puts the items ina chest, and smashing it so items area floating on the floor, the soulbound item shall remain so, not pickup-able.
    We area using griefdefender, worldedit and LWC to protect areas.
    This way, with the new plugin souldbounditems, we can allow ppl to share chests and their items, and they can make their doors public even. (lwc is using cmodify for both doors and chests).

    We are having our own restrictions about which items should be tradeable by item ID, to balance a fair economy without to much interfearence from ppl who have to many dollars and buying to other ppl. This is somehow destroying our concept, when ppl are spreading items which should have a specific flow.

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