Sorting an array for ie top scores

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Randy Schouten, Oct 25, 2011.

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    Randy Schouten

    So I have an array with for example: [a=0, b=4, c=2].
    What would be the best way to make it so I will have it sorted as a list and can print it like so: "b: 4".
    It will just go through the list with a for-loop then.

    Any ideas?
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    for (int x=<= list.size() ; x++) {
    player.sendMessage(": " list[x]);
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    Randy Schouten

    That... is really not what I meant.
    The output would be "0: 0" then, and it's not sorted either.
    I want the output to be b: 4, c: 2, a: 0.

    Thanks for the time though. :)
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    Create a class with the two properties for the letter and the score. Than put all your values into an ArrayList of that class. Then sort it with a comparator using the score property.
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    Randy Schouten

    I'm not sure what you mean.
    I'm sorry...

    Might it also be useful if I told you I get these properties from a hashmap?
    The key is player, the value is the score the player has.

    I'm trying to find out how to do this myself as well with google and such, but I have yet to find something I can use.
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    This page should be exactly what you need.
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    The easiest solution is instead of using Arrays use a TreeSet and make a class that holds the player and the score in one node. Then when making the tree set you give it a custom comparator so that it knows how to sort your data (ie by score and nothing about the player, or if players are tied you can resolve that as well)
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    Father Of Time

    Here is an example of what everyone is talking about:

        Person p = new Person("Bruce", "Willis");
            Person p1  = new Person("Tom", "Hanks");
            Person p2 = new Person("Nicolas","Cage");
            Person p3 = new Person("John","Travolta");
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            Collections.sort(list, new Comparator(){
                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                    Person p1 = (Person) o1;
                    Person p2 = (Person) o2;
                   return p1.getFirstName().compareToIgnoreCase(p2.getFirstName());
    You first make a Comparator, what this does is compares 2 items by criteria you set. You then call the List build in sort function and pass the list and comparator as a parameter. The Collection will automatically sort the order of your list by the conditions established in the comparator you wrote; then it would just be a matter of performing a normal for loop through your list.
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