Some Small Plugin Requests

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MrEminent42, Feb 1, 2015.

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    Hey, I have some Ideas for some quick plugins, and I would be wondering if you could make them! Thanks :D

    1st Plugin (open)

    Suggested name: Jump

    What I want: When a player does /jump, they are teleported to the top of the block they are looking at.
    Also, the ability to add WorldGuard regions where you can't jump to (Doesn't matter where the player is, but where the jump-to block is).

    If the player is looking the air, the message is "You cant jump into the air!"

    Ideas for commands:
    /jump - Jump to the top of the block you're looking at.
    /denyjump add <region> - add a W/G region to not allow jumping.
    /denyjump remove <region> - delete a W/G region to not allow jumping.

    Ideas for permissions:
    jump.use - use /jump.
    jump.admin - use the other commands.

    2nd Plugin (open)

    Suggested name: PayToggle

    What I want: A plugin where you can block people from paying you. I'm using essentials' /pay command.

    Ideas for commands:
    /paytoggle - Toggle on/off blocking people from paying you.

    Ideas for permissions:
    paytoggle.use - use /paytoggle.

    3rdPlugin (open)

    Suggested name: ChatToggle

    What I want: A plugin where the player can make the chat be blocked from them. When a player trys to send a command while chat is off, the message is "You have to turn chat on to send commands!" unless you have chattoggle.bypass.

    Ideas for commands:
    /chat on - Turn the chat on.
    /chat off - Turn the chat off.

    Ideas for permissions:
    chattoggle.use - use /chat on & /chat off.
    chattoggle.bypass - send commands while the chat is off.

    4th Plugin (open)

    Suggested name: ClearConfirm

    What I want: When a player does /ci of /clearinventory, the message is "Are you sure you want to clear your whole inventory? Do /ci again to confirm!"

    Ideas for commands:
    /clearinventory - ^
    /ci - ^^

    Ideas for permissions:
    clearconfirm.use - use /clearinventory & /ci (Confirmation applies to everyone, but this perm is to use the command).

    When I'd like them by: ASAP :)

    Thanks in advance!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @awesone_ness 1. WorldEdit, doesn't has the deny though.
    2. Why do you want to block that?
    And please change the title, please don't mention difficulty when not coding yourself.
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    I want to block that so I/Youtubers on my server don't get spammed with money

    I change the title, sorry about that.
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