[SOLVED] Error On If Statement

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by WildN00b, May 1, 2011.

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  1. Hi, I'm writing a whitelist plugin, it checks if the user is on the list and if it's not on the list it's disallows the request to join with a fake message.
    When i (WildN00b) connects, the if statement "fails" and goes to the else.

    Heres my code:

    public void onPlayerPreLogin(PlayerPreLoginEvent event) {
            String name = event.getName();
            if (name == "WildN00b") {
            } else {
                plugin.getServer().broadcastMessage("[PreKick] " + name + " From IP " + event.getAddress().getHostAddress() + " Was Kicked");
                System.out.println("[PreKick] " + name + " From IP " + event.getAddress().getHostAddress() + " Was Kicked");
                event.disallow(Result.KICK_OTHER, "The Server Is Down For Maintenance!");
    Can anyone help me?

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    sam holder

    To do string comparisons in java we have to use the equals method.

    if (name.equals("WildN00b")) {
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    You don't compare strings by "==" in Java.
    It would be:
    if (name.equals("WildN00b") {
    //rest of your code
    EDIT: Ninja'd
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    sam holder

    Hehe ;)
    I make this mistake very often after using other languages such as php, actionscript, etc.
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