[SOLVED] Check if part of a string is an integer?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EdTheLoon, Aug 11, 2011.

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    So I have String args[] passed into one of my functions but sometimes a certain index in the array will be an integer. What is the best way to check that (for example) args[1] is an integer?
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    Don't know if there's an easier way but this should work:

    Integer myInt = 0; // default value
    try {
        myInt = Integer.valueOf(myString);
    } catch(NumberFormatException x) {
        // assume it's not a number and do whatever you want
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    How can you declare myInt twice? And why?
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    Because I stuffed up :) My original code has the declaration inside the try/catch but I figured this might not be useful for the request above so I declared myInt outside the try/catch but forgot to remove the first declaration - fixed :D
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    Is it difference between declaring in or out? Recenty I found that Eclipse compiler moves such expressions out of try{} automatically.
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    When you declare something inside try it is not visible outside. Thats cause the code may not have been executed because of the exception.

    And you can also use a regex:

    //it is an integer
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    Well, my original code was a little different:
    String myConvertedString  = null;
    try {
        Integer myInt = Integer.valueOf(myString);
        myConvertedString = myInt.toString();
    } catch(NumberFormatException x) {
        // assume it's not a number and do whatever you want
    Because I later needed to use the number as a string however if the original "myString" was not a number there's a lot of other code that runs. Hence my need to declare it inside - as masteroftime pointed out, if you declare it inside the try/catch then it's not visible outside the try/catch.
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    That is just what I needed. Thank you very much.
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