Solutions for managing multiple servers.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by cotjones, Jun 12, 2013.

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    I'm running several bukkit/spigot/other minecraft servers and quickly finding that managing mulitple servers is very problematic. There are a few specific problems I need solutions for.

    #1. Managing server console windows. (in windows)
    Having 10 console windows open with all the same lable is a nightmare, but not as much of a nightmare as running a command to change a congifuration on the wrong server. What I would like to have is a way to LABEL the console windows, or better yet, a tabbed console solution. I've looked into tabbed command prompt programs, but i've not been able to find a way to run a server console in one.

    #2. Which java process is which?
    Again if you are running 10 servers, all running wrappers like remote toolkit, and maybe the bungeecord proxy, all 20-some processes in task manager are the same name. If I need to kill a process in a frozen server, my only method is try one and pray. I've tried sysinnternals process explorer but again, can't find a way to determine which server is responsible for which process.

    Has anyone found solutions to these problems they can share?

    Nothing? I was afraid of that lol

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    for #1, go unto the run/start.bat and put in "title <the name you want>" under "@Echo off"

    #2 i'm not sure how to fix that, you can also use "color <color 1> <color 2>" is will change the color of the text and the black backround

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    Thanks! that helps a lot, still wish I could find a way to trace the server to its java process, or label the process in some way like this did. If, god forbid I accidentally hit x on a server console, the only way to boot the server back up is to kill the still running process cause the server doesn't give up its port while its in limbo. so I basically have to just try killing a random process until I get it right, knocking the running servers offline in the process
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