Slime Ball Game Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by hitatater, Jul 2, 2012.

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    Suggested name: Slime Ball

    What I want: I created this game I call Slime Ball, and I was wondering if any developers out there might be able to make it easier to play. Basically there is a field of around 30x40 blocks. First, It would be awesome if this plugin to work with any sized field. I'd like the games to be played with two players on each team, and the objective to be to put a slime ball in the hole, where some type of light could go off displaying a goal. If each team could recieve 15 dirt blocks to build a barricade with to block their goal from the opponent before the game starts that would be awesome. Also, if there could be a restriction area of a 4x5 orange wool area around the hole in the ground where where the teams cannot build that would be cool. I was also wondering if it were possible to only allow players to build on their own side of the field, but destroy blocks on the other team's side.If the game could be played to 5 points, or goals, and after each point, a ball is dropped in the middle of the field when both teams reset their barriers that would be great. There are a few rules that I would like to be implemented in the plugin as well.

    1) No commands for in game players. (no fly, gm, etc.)
    2) Each team gets 15 blocks to attempt to cover up their goal.
    3) You can only walk when you do not have the slime ball.
    4) You can destroy the other team’s barrier and take their blocks only when your teammate has the slime.
    5) You can push your teammate when he has the slime.
    6) All 30 blocks must be placed on the field before the game begins.
    7) You can use the blocks taken from the other team’s base on your side of the field.
    8) You have 10 seconds to throw the slime once you pick it up, otherwise it is a turnover and goes into the other team’s inventory.
    9) Each match has 3 games in it, where each game is played to 5 points.

    Ideas for commands: to start the game, how to region the areas, reset the field after a point (give 15 blocks back to each team).

    Ideas for permissions: who can set areas, who can start games

    When I'd like it by: 1 month
  2. Offline


    First off, plugin developers are not your personal slaves... I would suggest giving suggestions like "It would be nice if there were goals definable" instead of stating that this is exactly what it needs to be.

    Second off I do not believe that someone will make this plugin for you just because it can be done using other plugins such as SimpleSpleef, or War.
  3. Offline


    I understand that they are not slaves... I just wanted to explain what I thought would be good in the plugin as best as I can. I do apoligize if it came off that way though. I was wondering how it could be done with other plugins. Is it just the fact that it is a game, or just because it is the same concept. Thank you for your thoughts on the plugin
  4. Offline


    If your not interested then fuck off, you're not the center of the bukkit universe if you dont want to fime by me but done be complaining.
    Jordan R likes this.
  5. 51B0RG Who are you talking to? hitatater or OstlerDev, you have to be more specific, This isn't preschool, It's the internet.
  6. Offline


    Either way, that was a bit rude. -_- Neither of them deserved such an outburst.
  7. Well they do because they don't know the difference of being rude or being funny. You don't randomly say "Fuck" when
    your giving some advice about what to do and what not to do.
  8. Offline


    i was just making a suggestion on the proper reply to this thread.
  9. Well it wasn't so nice.
  10. Offline


    Please no excessive use of mutated language, Me no lik in Bukkit. Read the T.O.S

    Moosssaaa ^_^
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    Locked 2 of 3. Not sure if its a spam bot, or just a confused user.
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