Plugin Help Skript /summon command

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by PumpkinExpert5822, Jun 9, 2015.

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  1. I'm trying to summon a fire ball at the player's location but the quotes won't let it spawn. And/or it's glitched. The examples on njol are not very helpful.

  2. Offline


    @PumpkinExpert5822 Find the crucial differences between these two lines:
    execute console command "playsound mob.enderdragon.end %player%"
    execute console command "/summon Fireball {_loc} {direction:[],ExplosionPower:100}"
    Also, I read Njol's wiki and it actually has rather a lot of useful things, not least of which is a spawn command.
  3. @pie_flavor That's the problem, %player% doesn't work with /summon. I need the execute console command to summon the object at the player's coordinates.
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