Skeleton Horse

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BlueBearPvP, Apr 16, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Skeleton Horse

    What I want: So I want a custom egg that when place, it gives you a Skeleton Horse. The recipe should be:
    "HS "
    "B B"

    H = Player Head
    S = Saddle
    B = Bone

    The Skeleton Horse should have:

    Max Heart: 20
    Owner: The player that craft the egg (So when they place the egg down, its already tame)
    Horse Inventory: Should already have a saddle on the Skeleton Horse
    Name: should already have a name (Like a Name Tag) - "Skeleton Horse" in GREEN

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: No Permission needed

    When I'd like it by: Doesnt matter. Take your time :D

    Bump :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2016
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  3. Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
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    Ok thanks very much! I will let you know if there is anything that I want change. Thanks again for your time! :D


    Is there a way for the horse speed and height to be faster and higher? If not its fine. Thanks

    Speed: Like a bit faster.
    Height: Able to jump 4 blocks

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2016
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