Simple Welcome Message

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PotatoTears, Feb 10, 2014.

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    Whenever a player joins, he gets a custom message in the chat.

    The first line will be this:

    &b ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ___________ &b

    Now, the ______ is a custom message from the config.

    Now, below this thing is lots of text. You can define all that in the config with supported linebreaks and color codes.

    Example Config:

    Title_Message: "&4Welcome to Servername!"
    Message: "Hello and welcome to &othis server&f.\nDo &4/help &rfor help blabla"
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    Would this be broadcasted to the whole server or a message right to him?
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    I can make you this plugin easily. If you would PM me, I have some more questions.
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    I just started and have most of it done :)

    I am finished. Sorry.. But I did not know how to implement a line break so.. Thats the only thing not implemented. Also when using color codes do not use '&' symbol use this symbol: '§' There is a line in the config showing this :)

    Plugin Finished here is the download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
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    webbhead Where will the text go if there are no linebreaks_ Oh and can somebody like help you on how to implement linebreaks_
    Does it only broadcast to the player_ because i wanted it so
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    webbhead Try making it a list instead of a single message, then loop through the list and send the messages 1 by 1, will create enters
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    PotatoTears timtower
    Yes It is private message to them.

    And I will try that timtower thanks :)

    Okay... lol but I do not know what you mean I thought I did, but I do not. :/

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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    Get mycommand
    I just did this
    command: /help
    type: TEXT
    - ''
    - '&7-------------------&9&nApex Prison&7---------------------'
    - ''
    - '&7Use &9/rankup &7to buy the next rank!'
    - '&7Use &9/warps &7list all the warps you have access too!'
    - '&7Use &9/kits &7see what kits you have and when you can use them!'
    - '&7Use &9/vote &7earn &9OP &7rewards from voting for &9Apex Prison'
    - '&7Use &9/enderchest &7to open your enderchest anywhere!'
    - '&7Use &9/feed &7to heal all your hunger bar!'
    - '&7Use &9/buy &7to buy donor ranks and donate!'
    - ''
    - '&7-------------------&9&nApex Prison&7---------------------'

    for my /help
    you can make welcome messages, alias commands, commands that return text etc.
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    timtower ZakPvP
    Oh Now I actually know what he means :p

    I am sorry for the trouble.. But, how might I go about sending a String to a player so such as creating a string in the config.yml so it would be like:
    title_message: 'message'
    - 'message'
    - 'message'

    P.S. I am still pretty new to coding :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
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  10. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    1. List<String> messages = this.getConfig().getStringList("messages");
    2. for(String message:messages){
    3. player.sendMessage(message);
    4. }

    That is all you need
  11. Offline


    Thank you!
    P.S. You are very helpful :p
  12. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    No problem ;)
    P.S. That is what I am trying to do here ;)
  13. Offline


    Okay finished with your plugin here is the download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Note: test_message now supports color codes such as & sign without using the § but the messages: - Does not
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016
  14. Offline


    webbhead Does the plugin not send these ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ symbols?
  15. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Do you get errors? And could you post your config?
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    timtower I think webbhead did not add this into the plugin.
  17. Offline


    Well, I get errors when I try to save the config like that so you can change it yourself.
    Also (Your welcome for the plugin)
    timtower Thanks for the help
    timtower likes this.
  18. Offline


    webbhead As i said in my post - you can not put utf-8 in configs. You have to code it inside the plugin.
  19. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Well, actually you can...
    What editor are you using? Could you post your config? Could somebody post that error?
    webbhead likes this.
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    timtower The symbols i am trying to use in the config turn into ??????

    webbhead would have to code it inside the plugin.
  21. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    In notepad or the plugin? If in notepad: change some settings.
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    timtower In the config, i am using Wordpad.
  23. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Download notepad++, open the config with that. Then try again
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    It allows me to use §.. Although, I am on a mac using TextWrangler.
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    webbhead timtower I can use § but i cannot use ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇
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    The default config doesn't support UTF-8 characters (atleast not when i make my plugins).
  27. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Noticed that yes.
    PotatoTears If you really want this then I suggest that you give webbhead a simple "thank you" first
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    Remember, you also have to enable Unicode in the client.
    Options... -> Language... -> Force Unicode Font

    As far as I know, there is no way to force this, or even detect it, on the server side.
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