Simple Reputation Plug-in

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TurtlePatrol, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I'm looking for a simple plug-in that will keep track of reputation of individual characters.
    #Displays reputation of a player or yourself.
    /reputation [player]

    #Commands for admins/mods
    /reputation add [player] [amount]
    /reputation sub [player] [amount]
    /reputation set [player] [amount]
    /reputation reset [player]
    reset is pretty much optional as you could just use set

    The commands can be change a bit but simple is nice. Could anyone make this? I would appreciate it and others will probably too :]
  2. Offline


    Could make it so players starts out with 50 (0-100) or just 0 (-50 to 50) and depending on rep stuff might happen like a player gets kicked/banned if its to low and need to request a reset if hes allowed.

    Dont know how it would be modified tho without a mod/admin doing it manualy...
  3. Offline


    I'm going to get started on this.
  4. Hey @TurtlePatrol I've built you a plugin to your exact requirements, There may be a few bugs (I've thoroughly tested it) but I can sort those out if you find any. I've shortened the command down to "/rep" as that's faster for players to type. The Admin based commands are currently restricted to those who are OPs on the server but everyone can just view each others reps. Try it out and tell me what you think !

    DropBox DL (Reputation 1.0)
  5. Offline


  6. DropBox is currently experiencing Error 5xx Across almost all files, this is currently out of my control until they can fix it.
  7. Offline


    ok sorry dude lemme know when its up cause i really want this plugin also are u open to developing another plugin i have a prtty cool idea i guess
  8. What's your Idea ?, If it's possible and I have the time I may consider trying to develop it.
  9. Offline


    um a couple actually! first off this plugin is cool but u could expand it so like users could have good reputations on one side of 0 and bad the otherside and only users with a good rep or something could build anywhere but the bad users could only build in a certain area would significantly reduce griefers by alot!also is there anyway to get different music then the lame music discs like pandora or even like load ur own mp3 files on there?
    --- merged: Jan 22, 2011 3:58 PM ---
    um a couple actually! first off this plugin is cool but u could expand it so like users could have good reputations on one side of 0 and bad the otherside and only users with a good rep or something could build anywhere but the bad users could only build in a certain area would significantly reduce griefers by alot!also is there anyway to get different music then the lame music discs like pandora or even like load ur own mp3 files on there?

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