Simple Region Based Blacklist

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by gustebeast, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I have worldguard and can blacklist the placement of blocks globally very easily. But what worldguard does not allow me to do is allow certain blocks to only be placed in certain regions. I want a plugin that blocks the placement of a certain block globally except in certain "exception zones" that could be defined using the plugin. This plugin could hook into worldguard to deal with blocking placement and/or exception zones, but it could just as well do these tasks on its own. All I care about is that I can do something along these lines...

    No one can place gold blocks, iron blocks, or dirt anywhere in the whole world, except in the mining area and in the forest (two seperate regions)

    Please comment if you can take on this project or if you need more clarification.
  2. Offline


    I'm looking for the exact same thing. I'm surprised no one has done it and the creator of worldguard should really add this. I want players to be able to cut wood, mine ores and harvest resources in the wild ( __global__ region) but not in the private regions of others. Of course I can whitelist these blocks but then they will be able to destroy these blocks anywhere and not any other blocks.
  3. Offline


    I talked to sk89q a couple weeks back, and he said he has plans to implement this into WorldEdit. You may want to hop on IRC some time and discuss details with him. :)

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