Crest Mc firework shows using a .yml file Commands would be /uploadshow (link) (nameofshow) /start show (showname) Perm nodes show.uploadshow show.startshow More info The link for the show would be a direct link from google drive sharing. The name of the show would be saved as the .yml name. I would work like a tick setting like 20 ticks is 1 second. If you decide to take on the challenge I can send you a deal of what a file would look like.
@hayhayleew But what will run the fireworks show then? Would it be this plugin? Would it be a different plugin?
Then you need to provide a format to use, we can't make it run shows without knowing what it looks like.
Code: reindeer04s: '1180': - summon FireworksRocketEntity -121 22 65 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,5.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -123 23 65 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -125 24 65 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -127 25 64 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -129 26 63 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -135 27 58 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,-3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -136 26 56 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,-3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -137 25 54 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,-3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -137 24 52 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,-3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} - summon FireworksRocketEntity -137 24 52 {LifeTime:0,Motion:[0.00,9.00,-3.00],FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:4,Flicker:0,Trail:1,Colors:[16383991],FadeColors:[16777215]}]}}}} The '1180': is how many ticks it is until the fireworks go off. You can put it in NotePad++ to see how it looks like.
@hayhayleew So just lists of commands, that is pretty easy. But I don't think that google drive has a nice to use API though.
What could we use instead of google drive What else could we use EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@hayhayleew TimedMacroLikeMe, link is in my signature, should run the commands as wanted, runs everything as the player that started it. Code: '0': - say Starting '20': - say 1 second '30': - say one and a half second - say second message here Infinite amount of lines (till your ram is full which would be impressive) Each file in the plugin folder (besides the Config.yml) is a macro. /TimedMacro list and /TimedMacro run <file> File is without extension like .yml Does not download stuff yet.
@timtower Okay @timtower Can i get the link for the plugin and will i be able to use it without the downloaded version EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
You open of of the files that you have, you make sure that it follows this format: You add new lines at the right times.