Show Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by mrcreeper12345, Feb 20, 2018.

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    Hi. I was wondering if someone could make this plugin for my theme park server.

    Minecraft version: 1.8.x-1.10.2
    Suggested name: show
    This is what the plugin should be about:

    - You should be able to create multiple different shows
    - You should be able to add fireworks, particle effects, water fountains and lazers(beacons)
    - You should be able to decide the time between each segment and each effect (timeline)
    - You should be able to design where the fireworks/particles would go, the speed, explosions, etc...

    Ideas for commands:
    /show create <name>
    /show add firework (different tags for the firework, maybe use the same template as summon command) <starttime(seconds)> <endtime(seconds)>
    /show add lazer <color> <starttime(seconds)> <endtime(seconds)> (beacons)
    /show add watereffect <startposition(x,y,z)> <endposition(x,y,z)> <height> <starttime(seconds)> <endtime(seconds)> (fountains, etc)
    /show add particle (different tags for the particle, maybe use the same template as particle command?) <starttime(seconds)> <endtime(seconds)>
    /show list
    /show info <name>
    /show start <name>
    /show stop <name>

    Ideas for permissions:
    rank.parkmanager - allows to create a firework display

    When I'd like it by:
    As soon as possible, opening a server in a few weeks... so maybe try to finish before the 24th of February, if not its not a very big problem.

    This is just to make it easier for us to make the shows. Because now we need to use commandblocks and redstone, that is a little hard but also laggy sometimes.

    Best regards
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