Show off your bukkit server: are hamachi IPs okay?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by wowzersam, Apr 27, 2014.

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    Well, are they? Or will said post be taken down
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    I would assume that because hamachi is a resource for facilitating connections to a server and is not an "Unofficial Build" of Minecraft or Minecraft servers which would require client mods or offline mode, it fits more of the definition of a Minecraft tool. Being totally different from what is generally frowned upon here, I believe it is allowed. However, be sure to mention that your server uses hamachi on the page, and to prevent locking, don't ask for hamachi support.

    One good question to ask is why one would use hamachi for a server? It is not particularly safer than port-forwarding in the long term. Also, it requires a software download to access your server, which some people are not willing to go to the effort of doing.
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    LordDarthBob My router is really derp, and port forwarding no longer works. So I'm forced to use hamachi
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    Ah. I see. Not to pry, but have you contacted your ISP?
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    T-Mobile sucks.. LordDarthBob

    mbaxter, would it be okay to post a hamachi IP? Or will my post be taken down like the previous ones

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  6. Offline


    Your ISP is T-Mobile? I didn't know they offered anything except mobile hotspot service...
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    LordDarthBob I got that router way back when.. Only still have it for my landline
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