Setting up a new Server HELP!!!! please

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by davisjack, Apr 26, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    i got it
  2. Offline


    *sigh* here comes the plugin installing part. Without plugins, your server would be basically the same as a standard minecraft server notch made. So which plugin should we get first?
  3. Offline


    OMG thank you guys im on my way to be an AWSOME SERVER ADMIN PLAGUE!!!
  4. oh no. forgot about that.
  5. Offline


    i feel like i owe you guys like something for your help idk but i just feel like it....but id like levelcraft first
  6. Offline


    If you really mean that, go read some basics about files and what they are and how to handle them ;)
    aidan matzko likes this.
  7. oh god.
  8. Offline


    is installing plugins hard or hard for me?
  9. Offline


    actually some for everybody, others just for people not skilled enough.
    I do not know levelcraft, but most plugins need Permissions and from what I see nearly eveyone has problems with those, so...
  10. except me :D
    lol, ya, thats gonna be like major work. here comes a 90 page post :confused:
  11. Offline


    Oh and I'm being an asshole to davisjack? :p
  12. :D

    how about 20 bucks to each of us?!?!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  13. Offline


    nope, like a couple of sentences i clicked the link more than once cause the first time it sent me to a post then next it sent me to another post so i just read the top

    ok i think we all get it im no good with computers hey i about to download level craft aidan what do i download it to?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  14. *gulp*
    those are called downloads. they are for the plugins. you must download a jar file and put it in the folder (directory) called Plugins. good luck!

    Saw your question. the plugin folder
  15. Offline


    I'm gonna configure permissions and levelcraft for you so you can install it easily. I'll be back in a while.
  16. Offline


    It's called plugins, not Plugins
  17. thank goodness... shouldn't you ask him what settings he wants? just sayin
  18. Offline


    A magic land
    aidan matzko likes this.
  19. typo, sorry. aww come on, cut me a break :p
  20. Offline


    hey you know if you guys dnt wanna help or are tired of my nonsense i can just use youtube from here
  21. Offline


    Hehe...:p gtg dinner
  22. i'm happy to help. just tired and got state-wide testing tomorrow. lol sorry :p
  23. Offline


    its totally fine, other than configuring (ill try and figure it out) but i do think i can use youtube to do this....just one more question what it configuring permissions and do all plugins require this?
  24. no, and techincally no plugins require it. what it is is(completely theoretical):
    youre chilling on your server using plenty of commands, when someone with the username bobby logs on. without permissions, bobby can use every command you can, and potential wreck your server. with permissions you can set it so:
    ~there are groups that users can belong to
    ~you can limit commands to only a certain group
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    Just download the file, extract it, find the plugin folder, replace all the files in there with the ones in your plugins folder.
  27. Offline


    Some plugins require permissions, most of them use them but can be without them and some don't even need them.
    Make sure to use something better than notepad though.
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