Setting up a new Server HELP!!!! please

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by davisjack, Apr 26, 2011.

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  1. you have a point, but don't have to be a asshole about it. You could have just left one comment and left, and me and other people who want to try and help can. there is nothing on the forums that say you HAVE to know computers, or you HAVE to be experienced. Sure, its a good idea, but some people just want to learn things!

    @davisjack have you done it yet?
  2. Offline


    No, that's commons sense. You have to have a knowledge about what you are doing, or it will just end in disaster. Do you teach people to do derivations before they actually learn to read and write?
  3. sure, if thats what they want to learn.
    davisjack likes this.
  4. Offline


    Unable to access jarfile craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  5. Offline


    Here are some tips on running a server:
    1. You must learn on how to understand/guess what an error means in your console so then you don't end up crashing your server and loosing everything.
    2. You must learn on how to understand and configure configuration files using a slightly advanced text editor. Ex. Notepad++
    3. You must know on how to install and update plugins properly and efficiently.
    4. You must know how to report a problem to support properly.
    5. You must know how to use Hamachi if you're going to.
    6. You should know how to limit what players on your server can do. Ex. By using permissions. So then they don't do something reaaaallllyyyy bad.
    7. You should understand how time consuming and how effort taking it is to be a server admin.

    I'm sure I forgot some other stuff you'll need to know, but this is all I can really think of today.
  6. Offline


    try removing the .jar from the filename, windows hides extensions....
  7. Offline

    davisjack guys act like im trying to run some super 100k people server for all you know it could just be something be and my brother wanted to do or me and some friends
  8. Offline


    I think you'll need a personal assistant to help you. I'll help you set up a server. What I need you to do is find run.bat, and open it with notepad and Copt and paste it's code here.
  9. ahh! hes helping. #thanks :D
    anyway... also, make sure ITS NOT A LINK. its the actually file

    hes done that. check the first 3 pages i was helping him with.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  10. Offline


    plague what its the name of the download and that comes up in the error box
  11. Offline


    that was because you didn't react for a longer time so he'd really be without help

    Anyway, did he post the run.bat anywhere or am I just not seeing it? The error can be there.

    what error box?
  12. sorry, im busy.thanks...
    he posted it on page two i believe... check all those mymistake.png or whatever.
  13. Offline


    aidan its the file when it was done downloading i dragged it to the folder start.bat was in

    plague sorry the black box

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  14. can you get a pic of your directory again. somethings not right...
  15. Offline


    idk the technical computer name for it

    here we go with that directory crud again

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2018
  16. Offline


    Ah ok I found. It looks fine to me, probably something not related to the bat.
  17. sigh. atleast we have a whole freakin crew helping you this time :p ughhh
    do you have teamviewer installed? you should install that and I can just do it and show you how :p
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    WTF thats all you had to say was my server FOLDER are you freaking kidding me see plague......nvm lol ok ill get that screen shot and aidan ill download Teamviewer now
  21. Offline


    You see my point? All you had to do was use google or wikipedia, but no, you rather sit here and wait for others to do all the work. THAT's why I'm saying you should not host a server.
  22. Offline


    theres my.......Directory

    Attached Files:

  23. Offline


    remove the (7) part
    look, the name of the file has to be the same as the name inside start.bat
  24. got it!!!!
    remove the (7) by renaming it.
  25. Offline


    omg plague i told you earlier to use a better word i didnt know what directory was but i sure as hell know what a folder is

    Aidan that just means how many times ive downloaded it does that matter...?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  26. here. ill make it fool proof.
    right click
    select name
    it'll work!
  27. Offline


    Kill me...

    Look that is a file NAME, so, if the name is "xxx" or "xxx(7)" is it the same name? Nope. There's your problem.
  28. Offline


    OMG IT WORKED!!!!!
  29. Offline


    It means how many duplicates of the file you had -_- yeah it's safe to rename it.
    aidan matzko likes this.
  30. thank the lord, our savior.
    and im atheist...
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