Solved Sethome bug? SOLVED

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Sean0402, Aug 7, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    That's not how that permission works.

    Put your essential's config in a pastebin, and I'll show you how to do it!
  2. lecraeman Are you talking about this bit?
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                  EssentialsHome                    | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Allows people to set their bed at daytime.
    update-bed-at-daytime: true
    # Set to true to enable per-world permissions for using homes to teleport between worlds.
    # This applies to the /home only.
    # Give someone permission to teleport to a world with essentials.worlds.<worldname>
    world-home-permissions: false
    # Allow players to have multiple homes.
    # Players need essentials.sethome.multiple before they can have more than 1 home.
    # You can set the default number of multiple homes using the 'default' rank below.
    # To remove the home limit entirely, give people 'essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited'.
    # To grant different home amounts to different people, you need to define a 'home-rank' below.
    # Create the 'home-rank' below, and give the matching permission: essentials.sethome.multiple.<home-rank>
    # For more information, visit
      diamond: 5
      emerald: 9
    # In this example someone with 'essentials.sethome.multiple' and '' will have 5 homes.
    # Set timeout in seconds for players to accept tpa before request is cancelled.
    # Set to 0 for no timeout.
    tpa-accept-cancellation: 30
  3. Offline


    er.. I believe the permission nodes are essentials.sethome.multiple.diamond and essentials.sethome.multiple.emerald

    Try that and see if it works.
  4. Offline


    ah just learned something.

    default: 3
    vip: 5
    # essentials.sethome.multiple.staff
    staff: 10

    so just to clarify, you're essentials config.yml should look like that.

    The lines with a # in front of them are comments. This isn't necessary but it is advised that you put them. These comments show what the permission nodes are for the existing sethome-multiple 'sets' that are already defined.
    Players with the permission essentials.sethome and essentials.sethome.multiple will be able to set 3 homes, which is the default value.
    Players with the permission essentials.sethome, essentials.sethome.multiple and will be able to set 5 homes, which is defined in the config as above.
    Players with the permission essentials.sethome, essentials.sethome.multiple and essentials.sethome.multiple.staff will be able to set 10 homes, which is defined in the config as above.

    refer to this page:
    lecraeman likes this.
  5. Offline


    So, How did you figure it out?
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