Set a Displayname for a mob

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CorePvP, Nov 27, 2013.

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    Hey how can i set the Displayname of a mob which i choose in a command

    final Player p = (Player) cs;
    if(label.equalsIgnoreCase("mob")) {
    if(args.length != 2) {
    p.sendMessage("§cusage: /mob <mob> <name>");
    if(args.length == 2) {
    Location loc = p.getLocation();
    Entity ent = p.getWorld().spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.valueOf(args[0])) {


    thats my code but i don't know how i can use my args in the CreatureSpawnEvent
  2. Wait, are you having trouble by setting the mobs name, or with the commands stuff?
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    Setting the Mobs name :)
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    CorePvP Um:
    1. Sheep s = (Sheep) Bukkit.getWorld("world").spawnEntity(player.getLocation(), EntityType.SHEEP);
    3. s.setDisplayName("CUSTOM NAME");

    Just change 'Sheep' and the casting when ever you want a different mob.
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    JPG2000 CorePvP

    you must define that the custom name should be visible to players.
    1. public void spawnGolem(Player player) {
    2. CraftGolem golem = (CraftGolem) player.getLocation().getWorld()
    3. .spawn(player.getLocation(), Golem.class);
    5. golem.setCustomName(ChatColor.GREEN + "Iron Golem");
    6. golem.setCustomNameVisible(true);

    that is an easy way to do it.

    to spawn the mob:
    1. public boolean onCommand17(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label,
    2. String[] a) {
    3. if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("golem")) {
    4. Player player = (Player) sender;
    5. spawnGolem(player);
    6. }
    7. return false;

    if you want me to, i can paste all of my code from the beginning.
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    HyVe No you don't. If you don't make it visible, you can see if if hover over the entity. (By hover I mean mouse over it)
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    the code i provided lets the mob have a nametag just like a player all the time.

    if that was your question.

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    HyVe No. You said:
    Which is incorrect. What that says is the custom name tag won't be visible to players unless you do the code your way, which is wrong. I know what you men't, but they way you wrote it...
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    JPG2000 well than i am very sry. hope you forgive:p

    but anyways, i am going to leave this thread alone now, have a good day and i hope that i have been to help.

    JPG2000 likes this.
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    HyVe I wasn't angry, I just thought you gave the wrong information :p
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