Server Stats Logger

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by elijah gifford, Jul 29, 2012.

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    elijah gifford

    Plugin category: Administration

    Suggested name: StatsLogger

    What I want: Hey i would like a plugin that tracks the stats for each player(the number of blocks they place, the number of blocks they break, the number of hours they are in the server[the one I really need the most], and etc.

    I would like to plugin to log all the data in a ".txt" file(like a log), so i would be able to use it for when players apply for moderator or other groups. And I would also like to make a page on my website that has a list of all the members & their stats. And me and my moderators could update the list every morning(the slowest time of the day).

    Ideas for commands: /sl reload
    /sl reset

    Ideas for permissions: statslogger.reload (reloads the plugin)
    statslogger.reset (resets all stats)
    statslogger.admin (gives permission to use both of those permissions)
    When I'd like it by: ASAP (after the 1.3 update)
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    For the future, you aren't allowed to offer money. Read the [READ ME FIRST] and the Bukkit rules...
  3. Offline

    elijah gifford

    opps, im sorry i didnt see that part..
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    Yet you still didn't fix.
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    elijah gifford

    im sorry i didnt know how.. (im new to this)

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