Server Specs, Enough?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by shadrxninga, Oct 15, 2011.

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    I've just got a server from a hosting company, I opened to the public today, and we'll the server used all it's ram (According to MyMcAdmin), then it crashed(Presumably ReadTimeOut, but I wouldn't know because for some reason MyMcAdmin like to delete server logs... - Anyone know why? There is a only a server.log.lck file in the root of the minecraft directory, there is also a Folder called Logs, which.. is empty)

    Here is the specs:

    RAM: 2048MB - There is also 3572MB of burst ram
    Connection: 100mbit/s
    Craftbukkit Version: 1317
    Java: 6
    It is also running on a RamDisk

    Now, if I go to it says I can host 15 Players with 2048, and 27 with the burst ram (I'm not really sure what burst ram is)

    We had about 7 Players on at the time of the crash, - I've run other servers with 512MB, the same amount of plugins and players online and it was running fine! It looked like it was java that crashed, as the MyMcAdmin Panel also went down.

    Basically all I am wondering, is if that ram can host at least 20 Players, or if there is something that I am doing wrong. I would post the server log of what happened, but again - I don't have any as they delete themselves -_-

    Also, this keeps spamming the console
    Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.TileEntityFurnace@24ee8489) at 10,64,15 (AIR) where there was no entity tile!
  2. Offline


    Ramburst is bull, don't consider it. And if you want to host more players, lose MyMCAdmin. Everything you run take RAM, and I'm sure MyMCAdmin takes a good bit. Also, the crash was probably that as I don't see why bukkit would crash. Lastly, I can have 13 players on my server and run at 350-500 MB of RAM, so you should be fine.
  3. Offline


    Ok. I'll have a go at removing MyMcAdmin then. Thanks for your help
  4. Offline


    My PC hosted 25 players on 1.4GB RAM (that's where my CPU limit is) if you want to use that as a reference. I was using about 20 plugins.​
  5. Offline


    Hmm... Wow. Ok, I found out that a plugin was the cause of the crashing. It used up all the RAM... :p - by spamming the console.
  6. Offline


    McMyAdmin uses very little RAM for what it does, and is pretty much never the source of any performance related issues. It certainly doesn't use enough resources to affect how many players you can have online.
  7. Offline


    I have the same two problems.. How many worlds do you have? I got some tips: 1. get a MobLimiter 2. use max two worlds( World / World_Nether ) I havent had a crash since I followed these tips. ill get back to you if server my keep crashing.

    These are only for the "Read time out" problem^^
  8. Offline


    Which plugin was that?
  9. Offline


    Really try not to mess with wrappers as I don't use them. Thus I give very crappy advice towards their use since I lack experience. Still, a good troubleshooter leaves no base uncovered.
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