Server Lag. Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by THG3, Nov 3, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Basically, once we hit 25-30 users the tps drops next to nothing and we get all sorts of block lag, etc.
    Does anyone have any suggestions to help improve this?
    I've done SEVERAL tests with the plugins by removing them all and bringing them back 1 by 1 but to no avail. I've also read that it has a lot to do with 1.8, yet on other servers I don't see this problem.
    6gb of ram should be more then enough to support 25-30 players without seeing lag.

    Here is a report

    WorldGuard Configuration Report
    Generated 2011-11-03 15:30 -0700

    Version: 5.3

    Server Information

    Java : Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.6.0_26 (
    Operating system : Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 (amd64)
    Available processors: 16
    Free memory : 2679 MB
    Max memory : 6019 MB
    Total memory : 6019 MB
    Server ID : xxxxxx
    Server name : xxxxxx
    Implementation : git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1131-g86b7fa8-b1337jnks (MC: 1.8.1)
    Player count : 26/80


    ColoredSigns : 2.0
    MyWarp : 2.0
    Multiverse-Core : 2.1-b326
    LWC-Economy : 1.3
    Multiverse-Portals: 2.1-b295
    FalseBookCore : 0.88alpha
    AutoMessage : 1.5
    CommandBook : 1.6-customized
    NoCheat : 2.13c
    LagMeter : 0.5
    Minequery : 1.5
    HeroicDeath : 1.11.2
    PermissionsEx : 1.16
    HeroChat : 4.10.3
    Seen : 1.0
    Votifier : 1.4
    BorderGuard : 4.2
    DispNameChanger : 3.1
    MCDocs : 11.2
    Vault : 1.0.0dev-b65
    WorldEdit : 4.7
    PetitionPlugin : 1.34
    iConomy : 5.01
    ecoCreature : 0.0.7a (People are creatures too!)
    HeroBounty : 1.8.0
    HeroSpawn : 0.2
    NoFarm : 0.2.1
    FalseBookExtra : 0.88alpha
    FalseBookBlock : 0.88alpha
    WorldGuard : 5.3
    Permissions : 2.7.7
    HawkEye : 1.0.5
    mcMMO : 1.1.16
    MobArena :
    LWC : 3.53
    ChestShop : 3.24
    NoLagg : 1.34


    world2 (0):
    Seed : 5686123205253671650
    Environment : NORMAL
    Player count : 26
    Entity count : 2467
    Loaded chunk count: 7978
    Spawn location : Location{world=CraftWorld{name=world2},x=10.0,y=97.0,z=0.0,pitch=0.0,yaw=0.0}
    Raw time : 64069311
    Entities :
    CraftSquid : 153 [0.019178]
    CraftEnderman: 73 [0.009150]
    CraftSkeleton: 441 [0.055277]
    CraftPlayer : 26 [0.003259]
    CraftSpider : 93 [0.011657]
    CraftCow : 57 [0.007145]
    CraftArrow : 2 [0.000251]
    CraftPainting: 215 [0.026949]
    CraftSheep : 149 [0.018676]
    CraftWolf : 12 [0.001504]
    CraftPig : 111 [0.013913]
    CraftBoat : 5 [0.000627]
    CraftSlime : 1 [0.000125]
    CraftItem : 124 [0.015543]
    CraftChicken : 102 [0.012785]
    CraftZombie : 425 [0.053271]
    CraftCreeper : 478 [0.059915]

    Global Configuration

    suppressTickSyncWarnings: true
    useRegionsScheduler : false
    activityHaltToggle : false
    autoGodMode : false
    usePlayerMove : false

    World Configurations

    world2 (0):
    Information :
    Configuration file: /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server40/plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/world2/config.yml
    Blacklist file : /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server40/plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/world2/blacklist.txt
    Regions file : /home/minecraft/multicraft/servers/server40/plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/world2/regions.yml
    Configuration :
    # WorldGuard's world configuration file
    # This is a world configuration file. Anything placed into here will only
    # affect this world. If you don't put anything in this file, then the
    # settings will be inherited from the main configuration file.
    # If you see {} below, that means that there are NO entries in this file.
    # Remove the {} and add your own entries.

    opPermissions : true
    fireSpreadDisableToggle : false
    enforceOneSession : true
    itemDurability : true
    simulateSponge : true
    spongeRadius : 2
    disableExpDrops : true
    pumpkinScuba : false
    redstoneSponges : false
    noPhysicsGravel : false
    noPhysicsSand : false
    allowPortalAnywhere : true
    preventWaterDamage : []
    blockLighter : true
    disableFireSpread : true
    disableFireSpreadBlocks : []
    preventLavaFire : true
    allowedLavaSpreadOver : []
    blockTNTExplosions : false
    blockTNTBlockDamage : true
    blockCreeperExplosions : false
    blockCreeperBlockDamage : true
    blockFireballExplosions : false
    blockFireballBlockDamage : true
    disableContactDamage : false
    disableFallDamage : false
    disableLavaDamage : false
    disableFireDamage : false
    disableLightningDamage : false
    disableDrowningDamage : false
    disableSuffocationDamage : false
    teleportOnSuffocation : false
    disableVoidDamage : false
    teleportOnVoid : false
    disableExplosionDamage : false
    disableMobDamage : false
    useRegions : true
    highFreqFlags : false
    regionWand : 283
    blockCreatureSpawn : []
    maxClaimVolume : 30000
    claimOnlyInsideExistingRegions: false
    maxRegionCountPerPlayer : 20
    antiWolfDumbness : true
    signChestProtection : false
    removeInfiniteStacks : false
    disableCreatureCropTrampling : true
    disablePlayerCropTrampling : true
    preventLightningFire : true
    disallowedLightningBlocks : []
    disableThunder : true
    disableWeather : true
    alwaysRaining : false
    alwaysThundering : false
    disablePigZap : false
    disableCreeperPower : false
    disableHealthRegain : false
    disableMushroomSpread : true
    disableIceMelting : true
    disableSnowMelting : true
    disableSnowFormation : true
    disableIceFormation : true
    disableLeafDecay : false
    disableGrassGrowth : false
    disableEndermanGriefing : true
    regionInvinciblityRemovesMobs : false
    disableDeathMessages : false
    disableObsidianGenerators : true
    Blacklist :
    State: DISABLED
    Region manager:
    Type :
    Number of regions: 193
    Global region :
    Status: UNDEFINED

  2. Offline


    Might be CPU. I'm assuming you're on a VPS.

    I also get low TPS, even without my resources being demanded. I dedicate 6 gb of ram to craftbukkit and my cpu never really gets above 50% total usage.
    Even with out using all my ram/cpu my TPS drops greatly with 40-50 players.
    No idea why, but it does. =(

    But yeah check your CPU and maybe ask your VPS host for more cpu units. (units being cpu priority)
    I had this problem a while back on a VPS and did everything I could to try to fix the issue. It turned out to be a shady VPS host. Switching hosts fixed MY issue.
  3. Offline


    First - try java 7.
    Second - what is your startup line?
  4. Offline


    The server is hosted for me, they said they use the default starting script. Do you have a recommendation for one? I believe they will change it for me upon request.

    What host are you using now if you don't mind me asking?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  5. Offline


    You should probably look here:

    You could start with something basic, like (if you use Java 6, remove the -server):
    java -server -Xmx6G -Xingc -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar CraftBukkit.jar
  6. Offline


    @Acrobot Thank you very much, I've forwarded this information to my host. If they don't change it or are not able to I will just be shopping for a different one that can.
  7. Offline


    I'm using server4you. Their dedicated server pricing is unbeatable.
  8. Offline


    Holy crap you're not kidding. Thanks.
  9. Offline


    I've been using them for several months now, no issues and great support.
    But their support uses a ticket system. So a response can take a few hours to get.
  10. Offline


    Dang...sorry to threadjack but that's crazy cheap.

    I pay $175 for an i7 with 8GB of ram and 10TB transfer.
  11. Offline


    I can host for you 8GB RAM , SSD HD 80G unlimitted BW only for 73 euros/month [BOX] no VPS
    [RFS] host
  12. Offline



    I just wanted to tell you how well that script worked out for me. I've struggled with this performance issue forever now and that script literally make all the difference, thank you.

    The only thing is that since changing the script I see this over and over in the console:

    08.11 05:30:13 [Server] INFO list
    08.11 05:30:01 [Server] INFO list
    08.11 05:29:49 [Server] INFO list
    08.11 05:29:37 [Server] INFO list
    08.11 05:29:25 [Server] INFO list
    08.11 05:29:13 [Server] INFO list

    Do you know why this may be?
  13. They do seem to be beatable, actually. I have 16gb RAM, i7 and 3tb HDD for $100 a month. Its around 74€/mo which is so far the cheapest I have found.
  14. Offline


    Network speeds?
    Where do you rent it from?

    Game server specific hosts are usually jips.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  15. Offline


    You can hide that using obushutthehellup plugin just add the correct info in the config
  16. Offline


    I believe it is not related to this :p
    You can just do what @rockxz2135 told :)
  17. 100mb/s upload.
    Renting from Standouthost.
  18. Offline


    lot of plugins =.= Good thing you have nolagg though
  19. Offline


    I don't see a performance difference with or without it. So we just got rid of it.
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