Solved Server Helps PLZ (Port forwarding)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by guinn8, Mar 20, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Righty Ow, I am using a bukkit installer I found on Cnet for bukkit 1.2.3 and I am have tons of trouble trying friends to connect:
    So some facts and things...
    -Bukkit 1.2.3
    -Friends cant even see the server (green bars)
    -My port 25565 is OPEN (checked twice differnt programs to no love)
    -I CAN connect on my desktop and laptop
    - Trendnetty router thingy
    -*DIGGY, DIGGY HOLE*[flintnsteel]
    -Tried turning local and router firewall off (tottaly) still no love
    - Help me and recieve bacon cake [cake] + [pig] =WIN
  2. Offline


    What are the first 2 sets of digits in your IP address?
  3. Offline


    Why would that help
    (sorry Im not going to give out any info with out reason)
  4. Offline


    Just making sure that it isn't a local IP address. I only asked for the first 2 sets because there is 0 chance of anyone hacking anyone from it
  5. Offline


    Here it is 192.168 (Sorry I make a point out of not giving out info with out reason)
    edit: first 6 digits of IPv4
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Thanks I'll try that
    I could connect with my IPv4 adress on my own comp
    Do I have to change port forwarding?
  8. Offline


    I don't believe so
  9. Offline


    Thanks guys I got this solved
    If anyone is interested in join I'll Pm you
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