Problem/Bug Server Crash

Discussion in 'General Help' started by DaanFrank, Jul 18, 2017.

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  1. Offline


    ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
    // My bad.
    Time: 7/17/17 6:47 PM
    Description: Exception ticking world
    java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception ticking world
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$MapIterator.nextEntry(
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftWorld.processChunkGC(
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.WorldServer.doTick(
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D(
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.D(
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.C(
        at Source)
    A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
    -- Head --
    Thread: Server thread
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$MapIterator.nextEntry(
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftWorld.processChunkGC(
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.WorldServer.doTick(
    -- Affected level --
        Level name: world
        All players: 0 total; []
        Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 264 Drop: 7
        Level seed: -3262333581181869696
        Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: true
        Level generator options: 
        Level spawn location: World: (50,76,204), Chunk: (at 2,4,12 in 3,12; contains blocks 48,0,192 to 63,255,207), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
        Level time: 54379871 game time, 54440276 day time
        Level dimension: 0
        Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
        Level weather: Rain time: 160876 (now: false), thunder time: 67122 (now: false)
        Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D(
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.D(
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.C(
        at Source)
    This is detailed

    server is 1.11.2

    this is my crash report

    I am looking for a long time, still no answer, please help me
  2. Offline


    Why are you using AuthMe?

    Also, that crash log is not needed. That is the base-minecraft log, which has no information for Bukkit. Post the console log (which can be found at /<server>/logs/recent.txt)
  3. Offline


    [18:46:45] [Server thread/WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin SkinsRestorer attempted to establish connection in main server thread
    [18:46:45] [Server thread/WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin SkinsRestorer attempted to establish connection socket:// in main server thread
    [18:46:45] [Server thread/WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin SkinsRestorer attempted to establish connection in main server thread
    [18:46:45] [Server thread/WARN]: [AutoSaveWorld] Plugin SkinsRestorer attempted to establish connection socket:// in main server thread
    [18:46:46] [Server thread/INFO]: KwZ[/] logged in with entity id 148170 at ([house]-101.74539079040419, 98.0, 642.3454864617154)
    [18:46:46] [Server thread/INFO]:  [0;31;1m[[0;33;22mMember[0;31;1m] [0;37;1mKwZ[m[0;35;1m進入DaanFrankServer[m
    [18:46:46] [pool-3-thread-168/INFO]: [AuthMe] KwZ logged in!
    [18:46:55] [pool-3-thread-168/INFO]: [0;33;22m[DaanFrank公告] [0;37;1m輸入/res可以查看建設領地指令[m
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
    net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.ReportedException: Exception ticking world
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.D( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.C( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$MapIterator.nextEntry( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$ ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftWorld.processChunkGC( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.WorldServer.doTick( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        ... 4 more
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: H:\minecraft\.\crash-reports\crash-2017-07-17_18.47.03-server.txt
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Disabling NoCheatPlus v3.15.1-RC-sMD5NET-b1084
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [CompatNoCheatPlus] [cncp] Removed 2 registered hooks from NoCheatPlus.
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Removed hook: mcMMO(cncp) [2.3].
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Removed hook: Citizens2(cncp) [2.0].
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Removed hook: AllViolations(NCP) [1.0].
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [NoCheatPlus] Version 3.15.1-RC-sMD5NET-b1084 is disabled.
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Disabling AuthMe v5.2-b1542
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] Waiting for 0 tasks to finish
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AuthMe] AuthMe 5.2-b1542 disabled!
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [CompatNoCheatPlus] Disabling CompatNoCheatPlus v6.6.4-RC-sMD5NET-b88
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [CompatNoCheatPlus] [cncp] Removed 0 registered hooks from NoCheatPlus.
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Disabling EssentialsSpawn v2.0.1-b472
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-NetherPortals] Disabling Multiverse-NetherPortals v2.5.0-b717
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-NetherPortals] - Disabled
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [ShopChest] Disabling ShopChest v1.11.1
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsAntiBuild] Disabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.0.1-b472
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Disabling EssentialsChat v2.0.1-b472
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect v2.0.1-b472
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Residence] Disabling Residence v4.6.3.0
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [0;32;1m[[0;33;22mResidence[0;32;1m][0;37;22m Disabled![m
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [ChestCommands] Disabling ChestCommands v3.1.4
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Disabling Shopkeepers v1.82
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Disabling Citizens v2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1463)
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [SafeTrade] Disabling SafeTrade v1.0.15
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Disabling HolographicDisplays v2.2.6
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [LWC] Disabling LWC v1.8.2
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [LWC] Flushing protection updates (0)
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoAnnouncer] Disabling AutoAnnouncer v1.7-03.23
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoAnnouncer] Scheduling finished!
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoAnnouncer] v1.7-03.23 is disabled!.
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Disabling Essentials v2.0.1-b472
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy unhooked.
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Orebfuscator4] Disabling Orebfuscator4 v4.2.1
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.5.6-b49
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Tablist] Disabling Tablist v1.3.2.9
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Tablist> Tablist v1.3.2.9 disabled!!
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Portals] Disabling Multiverse-Portals v2.5.0-b751
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [mcMMO] Disabling mcMMO v1.5.07-SNAPSHOT
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [TimeIsMoney] Disabling TimeIsMoney v1956
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [PermissionsEx] Disabling PermissionsEx v1.23.4
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: WEPIF: PermissionsEx detected! Using PermissionsEx for permissions.
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Disabling SkinsRestorer v13.1.2
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [AutoSaveWorld] Disabling AutoSaveWorld v4.15
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while disabling AutoSaveWorld v4.15 (Is it up to date?)
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$MapIterator.nextEntry( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$ ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.ChunkProviderServer.a( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at ~[?:?]
        at ~[?:?]
        at ~[?:?]
        at autosaveworld.core.AutoSaveWorld.onDisable( ~[?:?]
        at ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin( [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugins( [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_11_R1.CraftServer.disablePlugins( [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.stop( [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Disabling WorldGuard v6.2.1;84bc322
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldGuard] Shutting down executor and waiting for any pending tasks...
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Disabling ProtocolLib v4.2.1
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [Multiverse-Core] Disabling Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Disabling ClearLag v2.9.7
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [ClearLag] Clearlag is now disabled!
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [VoidWorld] Disabling VoidWorld v1.0
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [OpenInv] Disabling OpenInv v3.1.2
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [HealthBar] Disabling HealthBar v1.8.3
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: HealthBar disabled, all the health bars have been removed.
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v6.1.7;dd00bb1
    [18:47:03] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Disabling CoreProtect v2.14.2
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Finishing up data logging. Please wait...[m
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: [CoreProtect] Success! Resuming server shutdown.
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: s890156 lost connection: Server closed
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: s890156 left the game
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: KwZ lost connection: Server closed
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: KwZ left the game
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
    [18:47:04] [Server thread/ERROR]: Exception stopping the server
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$MapIterator.nextEntry( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap$ ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.ChunkProviderServer.a( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.saveChunks( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.stop( ~[craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at [craftbukkit-1.11.2.jar:git-Bukkit-6e3cec8]
        at Source) [?:1.8.0_131]
    this is minecraft log

  4. Offline


    Again, why are you using AuthMe? Why do you have it on your server?

    This is not enough. I need the full console log, including what happened before the server shut down.
  5. Offline



    the full console log is very long... because i use announcement plugin ..

    Why not use AuthMe ? I do not understand ...

    this is the full console log , thanks

    because console log is too long

    the detail is on

    thank you so much !!!!
  6. Offline


    AuthMe has no use if you are in online mode; Online mode automatically verifies that an account was paid for and that the account is who they say they are. As shown in the console log, you are running the server in offline mode. Bukkit does not support offline mode, so this thread will be locked.

    The problem is that there is something wrong when ticking the world. This can either be due to a plugin on your server or the world itself. I recommend seeing if the crash still occurs if you remove all your plugins. If that fixes your problem, you know that a plugin is causing the crash. If not, then it is the world that is crashing, and you may need to try and get a new world file.
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