Server Console Errors

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by DKL98, Jun 1, 2012.

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    I am going to use chunkster for the chunk file errors, but the others I am unsure about.
    Will they be fixed when I use chunkster?

    Console Log Bellow

    01.06 20:49:05 [Server] INFO Chunk file at 117,-170 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected 117, -170, got 118, -168)
    01.06 20:48:58 [Server] INFO Chunk file at 118,-170 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected 118, -170, got 118, -168)
    01.06 20:48:58 [Server] INFO Chunk file at 118,-171 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected 118, -171, got 118, -168)
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.handle(SourceFile:126)
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.d(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.movePlayer(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.PlayerInstance.<init>(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.loadChunk(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] SEVERE java.lang.Exception
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] INFO Chunk coordinates: 1872,-2704
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] INFO Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.TileEntityChest@581ea14a) at 1946,27,-2680 (DIRT) where there was no entity tile!
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] INFO Chunk file at 117,-169 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected 117, -169, got 121, -168)
    01.06 20:47:53 [Server] INFO Chunk file at 117,-170 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected 117, -170, got 118, -168)
    01.06 20:47:34 [Server] INFO Chunk file at 118,-170 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected 118, -170, got 118, -168)
    01.06 20:47:34 [Server] INFO Chunk file at 118,-171 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expected 118, -171, got 118, -168)
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