Seperate economies on a server?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Marmarpie, Jan 2, 2014.

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    Okay so basically, we have 2 servers, 1 survival, 1 arcade, I have essentialsECO on both
    But on the survival, they have $ balance, which is the main server money
    Now, i want to have another balance, lets just call it tokens.
    If i have 10 tokens on the arcade, i have 10 on the main, so it would run off a mysql database syncing the same data.
    So basically, we got fe and essentialseco, and tried to do what i just explained, and the economies merged.
    So we need 2 separate currencies/balances on 2 servers which sync the same data

    If anyone knows of a plugin that can do this or how to do this, would be greatly appreciated.
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