Sending different colored messages to different players

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MCCoding, Jun 5, 2014.

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    Hey i'm wondering how I can send different colored messages to different types of people, I have made a party plugin and what I'm trying to do is change there name color so if they are in my party and they send a message in chat their name will be red, if they are the party leader their name will be green and if they are not in my party it will appear as normal grey how would i do this?
  2. Offline


    if statements and separate sendMessage calls / String formats?
  3. Offline



    I did have string formats like this but it didn't work it would just send everyone the return ChatColor.DARK_RED + getPartyName(player.getName()) + ChatColor.RED + " " + player.getName() + ": " + ChatColor.WHITE;

    1. public String getPartyFormat(Player player, Player[] players) {
    2. if(isInParty(player.getName()) == false) {
    3. return ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + player.getName() + ": " + ChatColor.GREEN;
    4. } else {
    5. for(Player online : players) {
    6. if(getPartyName(player.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(getPartyName(online.getName()))) {
    7. return ChatColor.DARK_RED + getPartyName(player.getName()) + ChatColor.RED + " " + player.getName() + ": " + ChatColor.WHITE;
    9. } else {
    10. return ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + getPartyName(player.getName()) + ChatColor.GREEN + " " + player.getName() + ": " + ChatColor.WHITE;
    11. }
    12. }
    13. }
    14. return ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + player.getName() + ": " + ChatColor.GREEN;
    15. }
  4. Offline


    for loop + insta return doesn't work well you need to loop over the players, get the specific format per player, and the send a message to that player, using that format MCCoding
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