Selecting 2 blocks by clicking after executing command

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by alex123099, Feb 10, 2014.

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    Hi guys,
    I'm making a plugin in which I need a player to execute a command which asks him to right click 2 blocks, and the plugin needs to get those 2 blocks and save their locations.

    What would be the best way to do this system? I cannot think of a good way of telling the listener to listen for 2 clicks of a certain player after he executes the command.
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    Mind adding me on skype? I have an idea of how this could work through listeners, plus I could use this for another project of mine, and I'd like to work together. If not then I'll just collaborate on the forums or whatever.
    Skype: Firearchon
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    There are 3 people that show up to Firearchon on skype.
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    Should be the Top One, Black Ranger (its my steam clan)
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    Write an ArrayList<String> which stores the player names who executed the specific command.
    In your Listener you have to check if the List contains the event-player. If so, count an int-var up and after your second click reset it and remove your player from the list.

    But watch off: You have to write your "counting system" in the opposite way. If you don't your code will run only one time and use the first block twice. So, I mean:

    2. ArrayList<String> players = new ArrayList<>();
    3. int counter = 0;
    5. if (counter = 1 && players.contains(e.getPlayer().getName())) {
    6. counter = 0;
    7. players.remove(e.getPlayer().getName());
    9. // Set your block things
    10. }
    13. if (counter <= 0 && players.contains(e.getPlayer().getName())) {
    14. counter++;
    16. // Set your block things
    17. }
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    should that not be a HashMap and store for each player separately? now when 2 players are in the list doing the click thing, it wont work good, because it will count for 2 players then at the same time
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    What do you mean by the opposite way? I don't get that part

    You're right, a hashmap with the player as a key and counter as value could work.

    I was thinking of doing that method you guys suggested, just was wondering maybe there's a better, less messy system, because I like to have my classes control all the aspects related to it inside the class itself.

    Edit: Is there a way to store multiple values for a certain key? What I need to store is the Player as the key and a counter and a boolean as values. I could make a nested HashMap within the HashMap, but that would be very inefficient.
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    alex123099 You can create a hashmap like this:

    HashMap<String, ArrayList<Boolean>> yourhashmapname = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Boolean>>();

    PLEASE DON'T SAVE PLAYERS >>> This will cause memmory laggs ect, just store there names and get the player with Bukkit.getPlayerExact(String name); (Im not sure this is correct way to get the player again<<)
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