Inactive [SEC] PermissionsPlus v3.2.5p - Alternative commands to modify Permissions in-game now w/MWS [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DigitalTyrant, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    PermissionsPlus - Adds ability to modify Permissions in-game

    Updated: 10/6/2011
    Version: 3.2.5p [jar]
    CraftBukkit: [b1337jnks]
    PermissionsPlus adds commands to allow administrators the ability to modify their Permissions config from within Minecraft client. The most complete Permissions editing plugin for Bukkit. Supports Multi-World. Updated for MultiPlay!​
    REQUIRES: Permissions 3.x - Permissions Thread

    Includes: P2Aliases updated 10/6/2011


    Get updates on TWITTER!

    Installation and Usage information and Permissions nodes
    are available at


    It appears that I am not the only server admin that stuck to Permissions v2.7.4 so, I have released PermissionsPlusLegacy v2.4. It is a RB1000+ compatible version of PermissionsPlus v2.3. You can download this in the change log below.
    • You can specify multiple worlds separated using a comma. Do not use any spaces after the comma.
    • You can specify all worlds using an asterisk.
    • You can specify multiple groups using commas for the /user -addgroup command.
      /user -addgroup u:Username s:Group1,Group2,Group3
    • All Usernames and Groups can be shortened. You will be notified if more than one possible match is found.
      digital = DigitalTyrant, adm = Administrator
    • With 2.x+ you must add the info variable 'rank' to your groups in order to enable promote, demote and some group functions. You can set this variable from within the game using the command:
      /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:rank s:1-100+
                         /rankset GroupName 1-100+ world 
      The higher the number the higher the rank. Make sure you use i:rank and not i:Rank it is case-sensitive.
    • You can now set Promote and Demote limits. The Promote limit is the highest rank they can promote to. Demote limit is the highest limit that they can demote from. You can set these using the commands:
      /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:dlimit s:50
                         /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:plimit s:75 
    If you use want to Permissions + PermissionsPlus while using Essentials plugins, make sure you do not have FakePermissions or EssentialsGroupBridge enabled.

    Not sure how long this will be useful with Bukkit's upcoming Permissions system, but it allows the Moderators of my server to give new members access without having to modify the .yml file directly. I will continue development until the new Bukkit Permissions system has widely replaced Permissions plugin.
    Thanks to Nijikokun, original author of Permissions.

    Thanks and Enjoy!
  2. Offline


    RB 1000? You mean CB 1000?
  3. Offline


    recommended build 1000 and cb 1000 same
  4. Offline


    Oh. Sorry, I'm new. Btw, is this just as simpe as.

    Download .rar

    Drag the folder + .jar into plugins. Start.

  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    I downloaded it, but my virus program deleted it? Umm. -.-.
  7. Offline


    Have you had any trouble downloading other jar files? some virus programs consider jar files the same as .exe and won't let them be downloaded directly.
  8. Offline


    Can .jars contribute viruses if you don't open them?
  9. My version is the lastest one, also i redownloaded everything and now im facing a new problem, i can't promote people to any groups even if i made the groups, its says they don't exist but when i do it manually it works..
  10. Offline


    Why is it a .jar? Isn't it supposed to be a .rar with a folder?
  11. Offline



    Nice plugin dude!
    Physikbuddha likes this.
  12. Offline


    Anyone got the jar for a 2.x version?
  13. Offline


    Fuck off?
  14. Offline


    All of the previous versions are available in the change log @

    Plugins have to be .jar files in order to be recognized by craftbukkit

    can you post your users.yml and group.yml at pastebin for the world that you are trying to setup

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2016
  15. Offline


    It looks like you have not set up your ranks for your groups yet. Ranks must be established in order to take full advantage of the Promotion and Demotion system. To setup ranks, you need to specify an info variable named rank for each group. The number associated with each rank identifies it's position within the hierarchy. The higher the number, the higher the rank. If you want a group to be omitted from the promotion hierarchy you can assign it a negative rank and the plugin will effectively ignore this group. To set a rank for a specific group use the following command
    /group -setinfo g:GroupName i:rank s:1 w:world
    /rankset GroupName 1 world
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    Yeah, but. Isn't there supposed to be a normal file with a .txt that allows you to edit the permissions and add people to certain ones?

    For example. I dl the .jar put it in, then how do I set myself as admin, and change the color of it, etc?
  18. Offline


    The Permissions plugin provides all of that, this plugin is commands that manipulate the permissions
  19. Offline


    Okay, wait. Explain this to me.

    I download the .jar file, and put it in my plugins folder.

    Now HOW step by step would I admin myself?
  20. Offline


    Depends on what you want to do. All of the commands that are associated with this plugin are detailed @

    If you are referring to setting up the Permissions plugin, there is an article in the Permissions GitHub
  21. Offline


    Wait, do I have to install 'default permissions'? What's the required 'permissions 3.x'?
  22. Offline


    You have to install a version of Permissions higher than 3. You can get Permissions here.
  23. Offline


    I can't get the prefix to work on mods/admins/members. When I set someone as a mod/admin etc there 'prefix'
    doesnt' work, and I know I'm doing it right because Defaults can't build, and when people join, they can't, I have to
    rank them up by setting it in users.yml and then rebooting the server.

    In the groups.yml or w/e, I set a prefix for..Admins as 'Administrator' but when they talk it doesn't show up?
  24. Offline


    Where are the Permissiosn-notes for other groups to promote/demote whatever, just wanna gave Mods the ability to add new People but cant find any permission node.
    Edit: found them, k me stupid.
    Edit-2: But how can i gave every permission of this plugin to a user/group, with the node: permissions.*? couldnt find anything about it.
  25. Offline


    I can't get the prefix to work on mods/admins/members. When I set someone as a mod/admin etc there 'prefix'
    doesnt' work, and I know I'm doing it right because Defaults can't build, and when people join, they can't, I have to
    rank them up by setting it in users.yml and then rebooting the server.

    In the groups.yml or w/e, I set a prefix for..Admins as 'Administrator' but when they talk it doesn't show up?
  26. Offline


    hi great plugin! but how do i add groups? i have tried to add myself to admin group but it says it doesnt exist and i havent found any instructions on how to make a group.
    thanks, erik
  27. Offline


    OK, I have an issue. I use /groupset to set groups when they're more than one rank up (/promote if not.) Why is it giving people multiple groups? I thought that was what /groupadd was for. I went down to "Veteran" (rank 3) from King (rank 12), and when I do /groupset palz2015 king world it says I'm already in King.
  28. Offline


    I am getting an interesting issue I hope you can help me with. Whenever I promote/demote someone and go to /reload, P2 disables and then the server crashes. If I perform a /reload any other time, it works fine.

    Any thoughts?
  29. Offline


    is there any permission for promoting?
    because my moderators can't promote
  30. Offline


    there is, go look at the wiki. or a page or two back.

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