Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

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    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
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    CB: 1060
    NoCheat: 2.02
    Essentials 2.5.8
    bPermissions 1.4.1

    I have an issue with going into the Nether using the portal. It kicks my users, including ops, from using the portal. They get kicked back to the launcher screen with this message "Disconnected by Server You moved too quickly :( (Hacking?)" Nether is not useable with this kick. Any ideas?

    Sorry if there's a fix somewhere in this thread.
  3. Offline


    This kick message is usually from Bukkit/Minecraft itself, and only appears if somebody is hacking or a plugin does something stupid (is outdated). Can you test if it also happens when you remove/deactivate NoCheat?

    And maybe give me a list of plugins you use? If it isn't NoCheat, it is most likely the result of some plugin that controls portals/multiworld or reacts to those things.
  4. Offline


    PLEASE add Anti Spam Hack :)! ppl do rly like to hack my server ;O! you think u can add that ?
  5. Offline


    I can do that, but there are already a lot of plugins that do. So in the meantime you can search for one of those and use those.
  6. Offline


    i dont find any good, you know any ?
  7. Offline


    Not really. I just googled "spam" and "chat" a month ago in this forum and came up with more than 5 plugins. Never tried a single one of them, because I don't need to (I don't run a SMP server).

    But I'll just implement a minimalistic spam check now. Can't really work on other features without getting my hands on 1.8 code for analysis.
  8. Offline


    does nocheat only support superperms?
  9. Offline


    yes. Starting with 2.00 it only supports SuperPerms.

    Updated to 2.03: Now with

    a spam check (nothing special, just a message per timeframe counting),
    a bug fix (no more nullpointerexceptions when using portals),
    an improvement (now get a list of which check is active in which world on startup) and
    some maintainance (updated readme.txt, config file now has an empty line at some points to make it a bit easier to read).

    Plus I updated the description, added a "Donation" section. If you donated to me at some point or are going to donate, you may contact me now and I'll add you to a to-be-created supporter list for NoCheat, if you want.

    PS: Get the stuff as usual at BukkitDev

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  10. Offline


    Ok, I figured it out. It was Essentials and I think it was because I did not have Nether Exit set to true.

    Another question....I have my server config file set to true for allow flight. I would like my Mods and above to be able to bypass the flight checks from NoCheat and be able to fly using Zombemod without being OP'd, but able to fly through their permissions set up. I tried to add the nodes you give here and those with the nodes in their permissions are still grounded, unless I OP them with "/op playername", including Admins/Owners:
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  11. Offline


    It looks like you aren't using a plugin that supports "SuperPerms". You'll have to use PermissionBukkit, bPermissions or PermissionsEX, as (afaik) only those support this new official standard for permissions.
  12. Offline


    @Evenprime I am using bPermissions so that's why I'm confused.
  13. Offline


    Hm, does NoCheat actually produce logs/messages when they try to fly? If not, it may be a different plugin stopping them from flying, e.g. "towny" is known to do that.

    Beyond that I really don't have any ideas left.
  14. Offline


    I am not using bukkit permissions, Im using permissions 3.1.6 yeti, and up until the most recent update, my permissions have worked perfectly allowing those who are not OP to fly in certain worlds. Now this no longer works. What gives?
  15. Offline


    I don't have any other plugins like that. When removing NoCheat I was able to fly, for obvious reasons. I did find the cause though. When adding the nodes "nocheat.admin.* and nocheat.checks.*" it fixed my problem, but the specific nodes like these below did not seem to work as my Mods and above couldn't fly. No error logs in console or in chat box.

  16. Offline


    NoCheat 2.00 and newer only support "SuperPerms". 3.1.6 doesn't support SuperPerms. You'll have to use a different Permissions plugin that supports Bukkits new Permission interface called "SuperPerms" to get the newer NoCheat versions to work.

    That is very strange. I just tried it with latest NoCheat 2.03, and it works as expected for me (I use PermissionsBukkit for testing, as it is the most basic "SuperPerms" plugin). I have no idea why it wouldn't work with bPermissions, as that plugin should behave the same as PermissionsBukkit imho.

    I'll investigate deeper into this when I find the time to. But you could help me by testing what happens if you use the inbetween nodes

    instead of "nocheat.checks.*". They should be equivalent.

    Uploaded 2.03a:

    Fix missing entries in "descriptions.txt" about the new spam check.
    Fix formatting of plugin.yml (removed some whitespaces on empty lines)

    Nothing spectacular in this version.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  17. Offline


    Well thanks for the response. SuperPerms sucks. Why in the hell did they create something so idiotic? No prefix of suffixes? Sigh.
  18. Offline


    GAH :'( no i hate superperms, which pemissions plugin do you suggest?
  19. Offline


    but he is moving hes just stayinglevel and they can go up and down. this just only works if they start at a high elevated position
  20. Offline


    links not working :/
  21. Offline


    I'll see if I can improve on it a bit, but yes, that's how it currently works. A player leaves the ground -> he can move through the air but never go above a certain height, which depends on how long he has been moving through the air (each movement reduces it a bit) and at which height he left the ground.

    They work for me. Which links do you mean?

    Good news. Sprinting will probably not be a total nightmare to support with NoCheat, as the client<->server protocol does contain that information now:

    Same goes for food and eating, as it seems:

    Now I'll only have to wait for CraftBukkit to release their new version to know how these events are going to be called and how they work now.


    - Getting a working NoCheat ~3 days after first CraftBukkit version for 1.8 (with support for sprint)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  22. Offline


    ok ty. oh and i dont know if thisor craftbukkits up todates problem but it keep redownloading the jar u uploaded thinking its a new on. i did comment on their site to
  23. Offline


    The new anti chat spam, isnt working. Not sure if its due to the fact we run HeroChat..
    chat.check = "true"
    chat.spam.check = "true"
    chat.spam.timeframe = "5"
    chat.spam.limit = "5"
    chat.spam.actions.0 = "spamLog spamCancel"
    Got one of my guys to set up a spam test, and can succesfully send hundreds of messages non stop.
  24. Offline


    what does this mean. lag?

    22:55:03 [SEVERE] NC: rex123105 failed morepackets: Sent 92 more packets than ex
    pected. Total violation level 62.00.
  25. Offline


    I don't know how HeroChat works, but that could be. It is probably because HeroChat grabs and processes messages before NoCheat cancels the chat event. I'll set NoCheat to cancel chat events as early as possible in the next version, that might fix you issue.

    EDIT: Yes, it is because HeroChat takes the message before NoCheat cancels it. So expect a fix for that in the next version.

    There are 3 explainations for this:

    1. A plugin uses "event.setCancelled(true) "on a player-move-event. There is currently a bug in craftbukkit that would cause the player to spam the server with packets in that case.
    2. If it only happens once in a while, it could be that that player simply had some serious lag there.
    3. If it happens regularly or for an extended time period, he is likely trying to use a speedhack/teleporthack.
    andrewkm likes this.
  26. Offline


    the permissions suport is not working for me could you please help even when i give people permissions to fly they cant and i have to op them so they can fly
  27. Offline


    There are some things that might help you to track down the problem:

    1. version 2.xx of NoCheat only works with "SuperPerms", no longer with "Permissions". If you don't have a "SuperPerms" supporting plugin it will default to "OP can do that, normal players can't do that".

    2. Do you get any logs printed to nocheat.log when people try to fly? If not, then it may be some other plugin that stops flying, e.g. "towny".

    3. Permissions in NoCheat are designed that 'having a permission node' -> 'Player is allowed to do that'. So a player with all NoCheat permissions won't be stopped by NoCheat, no matter what he does.


    Minecraft 1.8 has been officially released now. Unfortunately I can' t work on NoCheat before I see the new CraftBukkit code. And there is no ETA for that. But I am mentally prepared for the updating, and it shouldn't take to very long to do. Again a warning, only NoCheat 2.xx will be updated, I'll let the 1.xx branch die with the arrival of Bukkit for Minecraft 1.8.
  28. Offline


    What exactly does this do:
        If true, check if a player is trying to place non-liquid blocks against liquid blocks
        What should be done if a player is is trying to place non-liquid blocks against liquid blocks.
        Unit is number of place(attempt)s.
    I constantly get players complaining they cant place blocks in water, and keep getting NC logs in console:
    [WARNING] NC: username failed blockplace.onliquid: tried to place a block on liquids.
  29. Offline


    It should prevent players to place blocks against water. By that I mean that the normal minecraft client doesn't allow you to point at water when placing blocks, you have to point at something else (e.g. something that is behind/below the water). Can you make a screenshot of one of the locations where people get this problem, such that I can try and reproduce it?
  30. Offline


    Alright ill try to get one once i see it again.
    Edit: Hmm I cant reproduce it now haha we are trying :p
    It was super random, I shouldve tped over and checked it out, but i was busy before -_-
  31. Offline


    @andrewkm :

    I've just uploaded a new versio 2.03b that should fix the problem with HeroChat and prevent spam for that now too.

    Tomorrow I'll upload a 2.03c that will allow you to deactivate the information on startup about which checks are active for which world. Then I'll start with MC 1.8 compatibility. Expect a lot of bugs when going to MC 1.8.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016

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