Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
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    I'm on the first functional CraftBukkit for MC 1.7.3, and I installed NoCheat two days ago (1.07c). These are the log lines on which I based the ban:

    His mates blame it on a combination of lag and the water jumps. I just like your opinion on the chance of this being a false positive.
  3. Offline


    In that case I'd say flyhack, 100% sure.

    1. A normal jump in Minecraft only gets you a height of about 1.4 blocks, split over multiple smaller movements (typically 3-4 moves of ~0.1-0.7 blocks upward movement each - it varies a bit). So there is simply no legal way to just jump 3.0 Blocks upwards in one move.
    2. He tried over and over again, in each case moving exactly 3.0 blocks up. Even if there were some weird combination of lag and whatever that would allow him to go that high, there should be at least some variety in the numbers.
  4. Offline


    Speedhack seems to still work on my server with this mod. I saw a player moving faster than normal (about the max minecart speed) -- he says he's not using a timing speedhack, but rather using zombe's flight mod and flying along the ground.
    Now, flying does cause players to be kicked, but only when they fly up. So it can still be used for fast horizontal movement.
    Any idea what this problem may be?
    Bukkit 953, NoCheat v1.08b
  5. Offline


    I guess it wouild be like this
    you add like nocheat.allowflight to whatever world permissions file you want for a user or group, this would allow them to bypass the nocheat fly detection, but ONLY on that world.
  6. Offline


    That *should* work already, but there may be a short delay, because NoCheat will check the permissions of players only at most every 10 seconds for performance reasons.

    @Malchus :
    @zolcos :

    The fast horizontal movement should now work no longer. The check that does this works now different. First I adapted the expected distances per move to the newer bukkit version, and second it now works based on a simple heuristic. Each time a player makes a move that's further than the expected value, the difference gets added to a variable X. Only if X > 1, the bad move will be counted as a violation. In addition, with every move X gets reduced by 3%. This combination seems to work out pretty well to silently "swallow" bad moves that may be the result of lag or special cornercases, while still catching real cheating. A nice side effect is that permanent small cheating will keep X growing, and therefore the violation level will also grow.

    I tested it with zombe's and a multiplier of 1.2, and (after a short time running around) it got detected.

    Version 1.08c (for CB 953+)

    • Rewritten moving check to catch sprinting mods (like Zombe) with speed multipliers set to ~1.2 or more
  7. Offline


    Zombes FlyMod seems to send something to the server when it's being activated, because, on some servers, I can't activate it and the server directly says "Zombes FlyMod is not allowed on this server". Which plugin is that, or is it that one?

    Edit.: If it is that one, can I allow the FlyMod only for a certain world? I have some creative worlds and some survival ones.
  8. Offline


    by turning ON fly in, don't that allow fly mod work in our servers ? or Nocheat still send that info to fly mod who respect that propertie ?
  9. Offline


    I would quite like this plugin also if anyone knows the name

    Is it possible to set multiple custom actions for actions? Im looking to increase severity of warning automatically with the amount of and cant seem to find any documentations on it. I do have the customactions set up, just need to implement them

    Also, I seem to be getting a number of false positives lately (at least, the users claim not to have mods), with just 1 (usually medium) alert, is there anyway to ignore these?
  10. Offline


    NoCheat doesn't send stuff to client mods like Zombe's flymod. That is done by plugins that set/change the "Message Of The Day". Whenever somebody with Zombe's mod connects to a server, Zombe's mod will read the MotD and search for the text "no-z-fly" and "no-z-cheat" in it. If it finds one of them, it disables the corresponding functionality of itself.
    Alternatively to "no-z-fly" and "no-z-cheat" the MotT can contain colorcodes like "&f &f &2 &0 &4 &8" (you'll have to look in the thread of Zombe's mod to find out the correct ones - I don't know them) to invisibly instruct the client to deactivate the cheats.

    EDIT: This of course only works with client mods that respect these values. It doesn't really prevent flying/cheating.

    Allowing flying in by setting "allow-flight=true" just deactivates minecrafts builtin flight prevention. NoCheat will still do its own flight prevention, unless you deactivate that too in the "plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.yml" file.

    For the first question: Yes, you can have as many custom actions attached to one line in the config file as you want.

            low: loglow cancel nicewarning notsonicewarning strongwarning gtfo
        nicewarning: "[2,false] tell [player] Please stop that"
        notsonicewarning : "[4,false] tell [player] I said: Stop that"
        strongwarning: "[7,false] tell [player] You'll get kicked if you don't stop"
        gtfo: "[10,false] kick [player] You've been warned!"
    For the second: No, not really. This will be possible in the newer version of NoCheat. Changing this in the old version would be too much work as it would require huge changes to the codebase. But if the player can describe where and why it happened I could see if I maybe can fix that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  11. Offline


    are there really no fix for the invisible when you've teleport like the MobArena??
  12. Offline


    I actually didn't know that is still a problem. I thought players being invisible after teleports was fixed back in the CB ~700 versions somewhere.
  13. Offline


    nope.. it's still here.. just try the MobArena (teleporting to arena) and it invisible us.. when I remove the NoCheat.. it's ok again..
  14. Offline


    Do you get any logs from NoCheat when this invisibility happens? Like "moving" violations? The only thing I can think of right away is to set the option "enforceteleport=true" in the NoCheat configuration file and see what happens if you do that.

    I'll try to find out what else could be wrong in the meantime.
  15. Offline


    Thanks for the update and could you add this plugin to a list of your complimentry ?

    Its quite lite alternative to anti-xray
  16. Offline


    Looks nice, added it to the list.

    @morizuki :

    I just tried it and couldn't reproduce that. Can you send me the config file you use for MobArena and NoCheat? Maybe its some special corner case that's causing this problem. Plus where were the people before teleporting to the arena? Rather close by or far away/in another world?

    I used MobArena 0.92.2 and NoCheat 1.08c for testing this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
    o0AzzA0o likes this.
  17. Offline


    ok the people are beside the arena, it's rather close by.. and my mob arena is in another world, so let say.. main world.. going to mob arena world using buttonwarp, after teleporting the mobarena world, /ma join to get to the lobby.. and it will be invisible..


    # MobArena Configuration-file
    # Please go to for more details.
        update-notification: true
        enabled: true
        allowed-commands: /list, /pl
            items: stone_sword, bread:6, grilled_pork:4, mushroom_soup, cake:3, cookie:12
            armor: 314,315,316,317
            items: stone_sword, wood_pickaxe, tnt:4, lever:4, fishing_rod, apple, grilled_pork:3
            armor: 298,299,300,301
            items: iron_sword, grilled_pork:3, apple
            armor: 310,311,312,313
            items: diamond_sword, grilled_pork:2
            armor: 306,307,308,309
            items: wood_sword, bow, arrow:128, grilled_pork
            armor: 298,299,300,301
            items: iron_sword, grilled_pork:1, bone:2
            armor: 298,299,300,301
                world: Arena_Grass
                enabled: true
                protect: true
                clear-wave-before-next: false
                detonate-creepers: false
                detonate-damage: false
                lightning: true
                auto-equip-armor: true
                force-restore: false
                soft-restore: false
                soft-restore-drops: false
                require-empty-inv-join: true
                require-empty-inv-spec: true
                hellhounds: true
                pvp-enabled: false
                monster-infight: false
                allow-teleporting: false
                player-limit: 5
                repair-delay: 5
                first-wave-delay: 5
                wave-interval: 20
                special-modulo: 4
                max-idle-time: 0
                    spiders: 10
                    creepers: 10
                    skeletons: 10
                    wolves: 10
                    zombies: 10
                    ghasts: 5
                    zombie-pigmen: 10
                    slimes: 10
                    powered-creepers: 10
                    giants: 0
                    humans: 10
                    angry-wolves: 10
                        '7': minecart, storage_minecart, powered_minecart
                        '16': diamond_sword
                        '13': iron_sword, iron_pickaxe, iron_spade
                        '3': feather, bone, stick
                        '10': iron_ingot:10, gold_ingot:8
                        '5': dirt:4, gravel:4, stone:4
                lobby: 4,75,24,0.0,0.0
                spectator: 0,81,-26,0.0,0.0
                arena: 0,73,0,0.0,0.0
                    s1: 0,73,-8,1.9485779,23.099932
                    s2: -8,73,0,272.39813,13.799981
                    s3: 0,73,7,182.54868,24.450024
                    s4: 7,73,0,94.94864,21.149986
                p1: -16,66,-28,179.25159,0.7500043
                p2: 15,87,27,0.30090332,15.15001

        filename: "plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.log"
        logtofile: "low"
        logtoconsole: "high"
        logtochat: "med"
        logtoirc: "med"
        logtoirctag: "nocheat"
        speedhack: "true"
        moving: "true"
        airbuild: "false"
        bogusitems: "false"
        nuke: "true"
        logmessage: "[player] sent [events] move events, but only [limit] were allowed. Speedhack?"
        checkops: "false"
            low: "22"
            med: "33"
            high: "44"
            low: "loglow cancel"
            med: "logmed cancel"
            high: "loghigh cancel"
        logmessage: "Moving violation: [player] from [world] [from] to [to] distance [distance]"
        summarymessage: "Moving summary of last ~[timeframe] seconds: [player] total Violations: [violations]"
        allowflying: "false"
        allowfakesneak: "true"
        allowfastswim: "false"
        waterelevators: "false"
        checkops: "false"
        enforceteleport: "false"
            low: "loglow cancel"
            med: "logmed cancel"
            high: "loghigh cancel"
        checkops: "false"
            low: "1"
            med: "3"
            high: "10"
            low: "loglow cancel"
            med: "logmed cancel"
            high: "loghigh cancel"
        checkops: "false"
        checkops: "false"
        logmessage: "Nuke: [player] tried to nuke the world"
        kickmessage: "No nuking allowed"
        limitreach: "true"
  18. Offline


    Hm, still nothing. But with those setting you should at least get a message from NoCheat in your logfile "/plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.log" in the case that NoCheat did or tried to do something. Can you check if there are any messages for that specific time when players join the arena?

    Is somebody else using NoCheat and MobArena together or knows of a server that uses that combination? How does it work out for you/that server? I know there are a lot with that combination (by googling nocheat + mobarena), so please step forward and speak up. ;)
  19. Offline


    oh it worked after I've changed the Teleport to true in config.yml of NoCheat.. but when using /tp it make them invisible..

    and also can you add a changeable in Speedhacking like the Zombe Mod fly mod the one with a speed of 1.2 i want to change it to 1.6 if it's possible..
  20. Offline


    Yes, I'll add a option for that in the next version.
    morizuki likes this.
  21. Offline


    Do you think this is an issue with NoCheat or me not having updated Permissions for a while?

    2011-07-10 19:41:32 [SEVERE] NC: Asking Permissions-Plugin if rezin123 has permission nocheat.moving caused an Exception null. Please review your permissions config file. This message is displayed at most once every 60 seconds.
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at com.nijiko.permissions.Control.getGroup(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at com.nijiko.permissions.Control.permission(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.NijiPermissionsResolver.hasPermission(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at com.sk89q.bukkit.migration.PermissionsResolverManager.hasPermission(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin.hasPermission(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlayerListener.onPlayerMove(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at$7.execute(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.Packet10Flying.a(SourceFile:126)
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at
    2011-07-10 19:41:33 [SEVERE]    at
  22. Offline


    Hey, I've noticed that i get significant cpu usage (at or around 100%, when normal cpu usage is in the 20% to 30% range) when people fly, even when they have permission to fly. I don't know how exactly you're doing it now, but an easy fix would be to check if someone has permission to fly, and if they do, skip the fly check altogether instead of doing the permission check after the fly check. (Maybe you're already doing it this way.)
  23. Offline


    Yeah, I'm doing it already that way around. But anyway the plugin shouldn't cause an increase in CPU usage depending on players flying or not - the flying check is just a few additional additions and multiplications. Do you get any output on the console when people are flying, e.g. some error messages? That would better explain that increased usage. Or are you also using the Anti-Hack plugin? That one does get much more CPU intensive when players fly, and does the permissions check only afterwards.

    You probably don't have to update Permissions. Just go through your permissions files, especially for user "rezin123" and check if the group he belongs to is spelled correctly/exists/... It is definitely an error in the permissions configuration file somewhere that prevented the Permissions-plugin from finding out which group "rezin123" belongs to.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  24. Offline


    Hmmm... I'll look into it.
  25. Offline


    I'm using MobArena and NoCheat together (have been for a while) and have never had issues with invisibility.. or any issues at all.
  26. Offline


    ok something problem.. my player just register using xAuth and it suddenly give a warning
    11.07.11 02:31:01 [INFO] NC: Moving violation: xxxxx from world (-8.2, 65.2, -991.9) to (-8.3, 65.8, -992.3) distance (0.0, 0.6, 0.5)
    11.07.11 02:31:06 [INFO] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: xxxxx total Violations: (5,0,0)
    11.07.11 02:31:06 [WARNING] NC: Moving violation: xxxxx from world (-8.4, 64.0, -990.9) to (-8.3, 64.0, -990.4) distance (0.1, 0.0, 0.5)
    11.07.11 02:31:11 [WARNING] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: xxxxx total Violations: (0,6,0)
    11.07.11 02:31:13 [WARNING] NC: Moving violation: xxxxx from world (-8.2, 64.0, -991.8) to (-8.2, 64.0, -992.0) distance (0.0, 0.0, 0.2)
    11.07.11 02:31:18 [WARNING] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: xxxxx total Violations: (0,4,0)
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    @morizuki :
    @Paah :

    After testing a bit I believe those two problems may be related. I'll see what I can do about it.

    @morizuki : Your problem may be fixed with this newer version of NoCheat. I couldn't get xAuth to freak out like that, so I can't say if it really was the same problem or not...

    @Paah : Your problem should be fixed now, at least I couldn't reproduce it after the changes I made anymore.

    Version 1.09 (for CB 953+)

    • Replaced flying check with a newer version that is especially strong at catching hovering players, in addition to the usual stuff
    • Fixed some other teleporting issues, where other plugins do the teleporting in a not so obvious way or strange situations (like if the player drops out of the bottom of a map)
      Those two things belong together. The new flying check is also something I've been working on for NC 2.0, and works similar to the running check. Plus it will be pretty tough on people trying to hover over gaps or in midair, no more walking around in the air after falling a few dozen blocks.
    • Fixed descriptions.txt to be written/updated correctly again when loading the plugin
      It contains instructions on the settings of the config file. Go read it, people!
    • Fixed log summary message sometimes getting filed under a too high severity level
      Something small, but whatever. I always wanted that the 5-second summaries have a severity level that matches the values in the summary. Now this really works.
    This was a bit of a bigger modification and may break other stuff related to movement (although I hope not and don't think so).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
    morizuki likes this.
  29. Offline


    The problem is that mobarena prevents any kind of teleportation inside of its area. so when you fly and nocheat tries to teleport u back to ur position, mobarena prevents mobarena from doing that.

    Is it possible to have an option to kick/ban players when they have a certain amount of violations? And possibly get a msg "hacking is not allowed" ?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  30. Offline


    You can go into NoCheats config file and set "enforceteleport=true". Then NoCheat will teleport players who are inside mobarena despite mobarena trying to prevent it. It's just not activated by default because it may cause problems with other plugins.

    Only for a certain amount of violations within 5 seconds (I currently don't store them longer than that - this will change however at some point). Just add e.g.

        kickme: "[10,false] kick [player] Goodbye Sir!"
    at the end of the config file and "kickme" in addition or replacement to the existing "logxxx cancel" settings wherever you want it. Like this:

            low: "loglow cancel"
            med: "logmed cancel"
            high: "loghigh cancel kickme"
    That will execute the servers kick command on the player after 10 heavy violations within 5 seconds (the "false" just says that this action will be only executed once per 5 seconds).
  31. Offline


    Can it be for 3 violations instead of 10 ?
    BadgerLove likes this.

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