Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
  2. Offline


    the only problem for me here is the Invisible when teleporting.. I can't use this in MobArena.. cause MobArena need to teleport when going to the Arena.. sigh.. wish that could fix..
  3. Offline


    Version 1.08 (for CB 953+)

    • Added experimental check "nuke", which prevents some hack-clients from using that functionality and kicks the player trying to use it. Deactivated by default, because it's experimental and may have unexpected side-effects!
    So, by popular demand, a feature to prevent the "nuking" with hacked clients. Players who try to get kicked, you'll get a log message (you can choose both messages freely).

    It's really just the work of a few hours, and it isn't perfect and can be bypassed by those hacked mod writers (yeah, I'm aware of that - but it'll at least catch all those that are incapable of rewriting their hacked clients, or too lazy). I didn't want to invest too much time into getting a more robust version of it, because (as mentioned earlier) I'm currently rewriting the whole plugin from scratch anyway.

    Don't forget: You'll have to activate that check by setting "active: nuke: true" in the configuration file or making a tick in the GUI configuration program next at the "nuke" checkbox.

    Don't forget 2: It's experimental. I didn't test it too much, I don't know how it'll behave in combination with other plugins and stuff. If it doesn't work out for you, just deactivate it again.

    PS: I also removed most of the config part of my first post, because it's annoying to keep that uptodate. Just use the descriptions.txt in your plugins/NoCheat folder to find out what does what.

    PPS: I based the check and tested it only with Bukkit 1.6.6, because the latest Nexus-Client I had was just a 1.6.6 client. Seems I'll have to find a newer version of a hack-client sometime soon to not fall too far behind (or write my own).

    I've written the new check based on the Nexus-client, but as far as I've seen all of those clients are basically stealing code from each other anyway, so it should work for the current-generation of the Picaclient too.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  4. Offline


    What banning/kicking plugin do you recommend with nocheat. Not that it pairs with it just that there cmopatible.
    *No mcbans plz!*
  5. Offline


    @lipe123 : So, just got the 1.7.2 pika client and checked. As expected, it's basically (except for the gui) identical to the other hack clients.

    As a fun fact there is still a line of code in the pika-client that hints at who the person was that originally leaked the (back then) "secret" Nexus 2.0 client (I believe). That shows just how much effort people put into these things *g* - you'd have to be crazy to actually pay such lazy "developers" for their dirty work.

    I don't have a multiplayer server, so I really can't help you on that one. Maybe somebody else is willing to share his/her experience? *lookinginquiringatthereader*
  6. Offline


    Wow fast response! Nice one bro I'll test this tonight when I get home. I have a 1.7.x minecraft.jar pikaclient that I could send you if you want. It causes a massive amount of lag and has a LOT of nasty things in it. Was pretty easy to find a download with a little googling.

    I still need to read up properly on the customcommands to set tempbans and such, didin't have enough time to get it all properly config'ed yesterday.

    haha u beat me to it! Yea well its typical script kiddie stuff right? one guy does something and everyone just copies it.

    The guy on my server that used it had no idea how it worked and griefed his own house to pieces and complained to me! Gave him a nice 1day ban :p

    For really bad cheats like this /tempban is surely the way to go with a lil "uninstall that BS hack u mofo" message

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  7. Offline


    check your cmd box if it says "Name moved wrong, expected position: *coorddinates* real postition: *coordinates*
    sometimes players and servers glitch or lag and the server thinks they hopped or speedhacked. Has happened on min :p
  8. Offline


    Hello Evenprime,

    I've been messing with the customactions for a while.
    Doest this plug-in only support the default bukkit commands?
    I have a custom ban plug-in, which changes the /ban command.
    With the plug-in it doesn't work, without, banning works fine.
    Could you please include in a upcoming update that it support other plug-ins?

    Kind Regards,

  9. Offline


    How do i make this to where only my vip+ ranks are allowed to fly in my creative world. But only admins can in my survival world?
  10. Offline


    Works like a charm!!

    You rock man.

    If you ever need a server to test stuff on feel free to hit me up,
  11. Offline


    You just need to give the nocheat.flying permission to any group that should be able to fly.
  12. Offline


    12:17:46 [SEVERE] Nag author: 'Evenprime' of 'NoCheat' about the following: This
     plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being reloaded.  This may cause conflicts with the newly loaded version of the plugin
    12:17:46 [SEVERE] Nag author: 'Evenprime' of 'NoCheat' about the following: This
     plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being reloaded.
      This may cause conflicts with the newly loaded version of the plugin12:17:46 [SEVERE] Nag author: 'vildaberper' of 'ChairCraft' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being relo
    aded.  This may cause conflicts with the newly loaded version of the plugin12:17:46 [SEVERE] Nag author: 'Evenprime' of 'NoCheat' about the following: This
     plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being reloaded.
      This may cause conflicts with the newly loaded version of the plugin
  13. Offline


    Should work now. I tested it with a small plugin and it worked. Be sure to use/not use the "/" in front of the command based on what the plugin expects. The command should look like it was entered in the console (usually without the "/"), but some plugins may expect it.

    I file those errors under "Won't fix" because they only appear sometimes and I ran out of ideas on how to fix them. I hope to get rid of them with the rewritten from scratch version of NoCheat however.

    Version 1.08a (for CB 953+)
    • Rewritten part of the "nuke" check to make it faster (less double-precision multiplications) and more stable (no division by 0 errors are possible anymore)
    • Customactions now really should work for commands provided by other plugins
    I just saw that I didn't explain at all what the "nuke" check really does. So here's the explaination:

    Whenever a BLOCK_BREAK event happens, the check will calculate if the block that just got broken is in the line of sight of the player who broke it. The check is mathematically rather simple (I don't use any angle functions like sin or cos to do that - only one sqrt and a handful of multiplications) and rather permissive (because the information about the position of the eyes of the player and where he looks at isn't 100% reliable). Whenever the view of a player doesn't match the block location, the BLOCK_BREAK event gets cancelled. If a player gets more than 10 such cancels in a row, he'll get kicked. Because all hacked clients seem to share the same code for "nuking", which just sends BLOCK_BREAK events without changing where the player looks, they get quite easily detected that way.

    That's also why I said it's just a matter of time till the mod developers catch on and improve their hacked clients accordingly. But it'll likely weed out ~99% of people that really don't know how to modify their clients and who'll have to wait to somehow get a new hacked client somewhere.

    EDIT: Don't worry though, there is a bunch of other criterias that can just as easily identify this current generation of "nuke" mods. So if the hack-writers catch on, I'll just add one of those and therefore invalidate their work again. I'm - so to say - a few leaps ahead in the cat and mouse game. ;)

    On a completely unrelated note:

    If somebody has a Google+ invitation lying around and is willing to give it to me, please PM me. Thank you.

    EDIT2: Small status update on NoCheat 2.0:

    Finally got the skeleton of the plugin finished. Multiworld configuration files and gui editor are finished. The flying-check is 99% finished and works very well (better than the one in NoCheat 1.08a), next comes the running-check. With those big things out of the way, the rest will be easier to do. The plugin is still missing the other checks, permissions support, customactions support and the logging framework, so providing a beta-version wouldn't make sense yet.
  14. Offline


    does this check for users attempting to break blocks from too far away?
  15. Offline


    Not yet. But that would only be a small additional change, as I already calculate the distance between block and player.
  16. Offline


    I still have a problem with my customaction.
    I have:
        filename: "plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.log"
        logtofile: "low"
        logtoconsole: "high"
        logtochat: "med"
        logtoirc: "off"
        logtoirctag: "nocheat"
        speedhack: "true"
        moving: "true"
        airbuild: "false"
        bogusitems: "true"
        nuke: "false"
        logmessage: "%1$s sent %2$d move events, but only %3$d were allowed. Speedhack?"
        checkops: "false"
            low: "22"
            med: "33"
            high: "44"
            low: "loglow cancel"
            med: "logmed cancel"
            high: "loghigh cancel"
        logmessage: "Moving violation: %1$s from %2$s (%4$.1f, %5$.1f, %6$.1f) to (%7$.1f, %8$.1f, %9$.1f)"
        summarymessage: "Moving summary of last ~%2$d seconds: %1$s total Violations: (%3$d,%4$d,%5$d)"
        allowflying: "false"
        allowfakesneak: "false"
        allowfastswim: "false"
        waterelevators: "false"
        checkops: "false"
        enforceteleport: "false"
            low: "loglow cancel ban"
            med: "logmed cancel ban"
            high: "loghigh cancel ban"
        checkops: "false"
            low: "1"
            med: "3"
            high: "10"
            low: "loglow cancel"
            med: "logmed cancel"
            high: "loghigh cancel"
        checkops: "false"
        checkops: "false"
        logmessage: "Nuke: [player] tried to nuke the world"
        kickmessage: "No nuking allowed"
        ban: "ban [player] 1 Gebruik van Flyhack"
    And it doesn't work with my plugin "Advanced Bans 0.4"
    Is this a bug with the plug-in or something of your plug-in?

    Kind regards, l104693
  17. Offline


    Looks right to me.

    Does the plugin accept commands from the console? Sometimes plugins check if the "CommandSender" is a player (e.g. to check if the player has permissions to use that command). In the case of customactions the CommandSender won't be a player, so checks like "if(sender instanceof Player) ..." will fail.
  18. Offline


    So It should block pickaclient now ?
  19. Offline


    Parts of it, yes. The latest version will block the following features of pikaclient and similar:

    - Extended reach when breaking blocks: No longer break blocks from up to ~6 blocks distance, maximum is now ~4.3 Blocks (very close to the limit of normal minecraft clients). I'm not sure how well this will work together in case of server lag, so please tell me if you got problems with it.
    - Nuking: Destroy blocks around the player, without the player looking at them. Again, I don't know how lag will affect this. I enforce that the broken block has to be in front of the player, or it will simply not break.
    - torch nuking: Same as above, but only hitting torches. For the same reason as above, this will be identified.
    - Instantmine (partly): I only now found out that my plugin will now block that (by accident) too, because of the "people have to look at the place they try to mine" feature. That instantmine feature therefore will only work if players keep staring at the blocks they try to mine (until they are mined), which makes that feature less useful (no running through towns hitting everything once and moving on before it's really broken.

    Version 1.08b (for CB 953+)
    • Added option "nuke.limitreach" to limit the maximum distance of block-breaking to a more reasonable value
      As said, was pretty easy to do. Please tell me if you get problems with it.
    • Fixed boolean options in the config file not getting their correct default values assigned
      Ha, don't know how long that bug existed. Probably over a month now. Well, finally identified and fixed.
  20. Offline


    Your the best :) I wanted to donate but your donation button is blocked for me here. And it doesnt seem to direct me to paypal directly.
  21. Offline


    Should work now. I replaced the tinyurl with the actual paypal link. But you may want to try the plugin first. ;)
  22. Offline


    I have been using this great plugin thank you so much for it :)
    And this new pickaclient is killing my server since everyone is almost using it.

    This what I get when I use the donate button I didnt login and didnt work eafter logging in either.

    Sorry — your last action could not be completed

    If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.
    If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.
    If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.
    This is what

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  23. Offline


    hm :/ - ok, last try. I changed the link again and now it really should work. Thanks for telling me that there are problems btw.. I wouldn't have noticed as it still worked a month ago.
  24. Offline


    Yep this one worked :)
  25. Offline


    Great. Thanks a lot.

  26. Offline


    Lol x) Thank you for making the plugin and helping me get rid of this new client:0
  27. Offline


    any chance of a permissions node to allow certain groups/players flight in a particular world? (this being NoCheat 2 obviously) :)
  28. Offline


    I'm not sure I understand what you want. Do you mean something like e.g. a permission "nocheat.flying.worldname", with "worldname" being one of the worlds you have? Such that you could use a Permissions-plugin that doesn't have multi-world support?
  29. Offline


    Is it possible that someone trying to move upwards out of the water onto a block triggers severe movement violations? Some people on my server claim that's happening.

    It's hard to distinguish false positives from real hacking still :/
  30. Offline


    First off I would just like to thank you for offering such a great plugin.
    But recently as our player body has been growing, we have been receiving more errors. Some of which has been legitimate attempts at flying. But most of the time we get an error if a player jumps over the span of 2 blocks. Classified it as flying.

    In addition we get no error when players speedhack and sprint.

    We are using the latest version of this plugins and well as the latest Bukkit build.
    Thank you.
  31. Offline


    I don't think one can produce severe violations by doing that. You could look through your logs to find the corresponding message and check if the locations written there are at water/land, matching their stories or not. Beyond that I can't really help with that. If you are using older versions of CraftBukkit/NoCheat, it could also be a bug that was fixed already.

    Not sure what you mean by jumping over the span of 2 blocks, as players normally can't jump over gaps further than 1 block width (normally). The sprinting problem will be fixed tomorrow. I've just worked on that today and will publish it (after some cleanup) tomorrow. Then you'll have almost the old behaviour of Minecraft 1.6.x of my plugin back, especially preventing sprinting (reliably) again.

    I'll probably use that occasion to also move some stuff from NoCheat 2.0 to its precessor. I'm very confident that the new system I've been working on for most of today for movement checks can at least partly be used for this.

    That's it for today for me. Good night everybody!

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