Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Players cant properly walk, get out of water, pvp in water. e.i if your running from someone in water and they attack you from behinde with a sword/bow u get pushed and I think nocheat is taking that as a hack and not allowing it. when trying to get out of water sometimes u cant u get teleported back to ur original position over and over. and last thing is when u try to use water to climb a wall u get teleproting down for no reason.
    Edit: NVM I think its gone :)
  3. Offline


    So, does this work with BigBrother now?
  4. Offline


    I have a question. I want to stop people from using noclip, but I want to keep flying, speedhacking, etc. Just no walking through walls. Can I configure this plugin to just do that?
  5. Offline


    When my players try to go into the nether, they get a moving violation....

    Every time a player tries to go into the nether they get a moving violation error.

    2011-06-11 05:47:14 [SEVERE] NC: Moving summary of last ~5 seconds: [player] total Violations: (0,0,1)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  6. Offline


    yes its the 860 update that has done it .... because its changed how cross world teleportation works nocheat will pick it up as movement cheat by client since they appear to move from same world..... anyhow im sure the plugin dev will fix this.

    If you want a temporary fix for now while waiting for update just put
    moving: false
    in the config for no cheat that will enable nether to work for all players. it wont stop the other speed/fly anti-cheat functions so id say its reasonably safe to do it as a temp measure.
  7. Offline


    1.03 prevents movement through NetherPortals since 860.
  8. Offline


    Getting the same problem
  9. Offline


    why will repeating the obvious help anything? its known issue and if you read my post its clear what you have to do to solve it till an update is produced by the plugin developer
  10. Offline


    Simply because I didn't check to see if the issue had been reported, and took it upon myself to ensure that it was.
  11. Offline


    does nocheat *do* anything to people speeding/flying? I don't see anything in the options for it, just for logging really. will it kick flyers/speedhackers? i'm just seeing configuration options for what warning levels to log etc
  12. Offline


    It disables it... so you can't fly.
    I would assume it also does this for speed.

    Not sure about kicking though :eek:
  13. Offline


    oh I see, so it just flat out disables it so people can't do it. alright, works for me.

  14. Offline


  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    That's a far better work around than giving people "speed hacking" capabilities. Thanks for the catch.
  17. Offline


    I hope Evenprime can fix the nether portals soon! I rely on this plugin, it's incredible!
  18. Offline


    I'll go and fix it now.

    While I'm working on this, I actually need someone to explain me something:

    How does Nether work in #860?

    I mean, I can go to Nether and back with the Essentials 2.2-plugin, through portals and the /world command.
    But is there now a method to have "vanilla" Nether without additional plugins? I tried a new bukkit install with "allow-nether=true" but the portals I build then don't work at all.

    I ask because I need to know if there are different ways now to move between worlds, such that fixing the problem for one case doesn't destroy functionality for other cases.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  19. Notch added functioning nether portals without the need for plugins in 1.6. They should work fine, remember you have to stand in it for 30 seconds or so for it to do the swirly screen thing and then send you to the nether. It detects going through it as speedhacking, for some reason, but plugin-controlled portals work just fine.
  20. Offline


    Ah, thanks for that explaination. I never really used vanilla portals, so I didn't know about the 30seconds rule.

    Ok, finally found the problem. The teleport between worlds with vanilla portals doesn't cause a "PLAYER_TELEPORT" event, and I usually relied on these to recognize teleports between worlds.

    Now that I know, the fix should be simple. btw. I accidentially uploaded a 1.04 version already, but it had a serious bug in it, therefore I removed it again. If you got that version downloaded during those 5 minutes that it was online, please don't use it and wait for 1.04a (which will fix portals and also likely the reappearing minecart destruction problem).

    Ok, new version is online:

    Version 1.04a
    • Fix for vanilla nether portals
      As said, going through a vanilla nether portal doesn't cause a PLAYER_TELEPORT event (plugins however always do that), therefore it didn't work. Should work now however
    • Fix for speedhack warning with plugin nether portals
      When using plugins to move between worlds, some crazy stuff seems to happen now:
      1. a teleport world->nether
      2. lots of move events (more than the usual 20 per seconds) -> this caused the speedhack false positive
      3. another teleport nether->nether to the actual location the player wanted to go to
      Should no longer be a problem, because move events that don't really move the player are now ignored
    • Potential fix for a minecart destruction teleporting a player back to where he came from (needs testing)
      I hope it works out the way I intended. The problem seems to come from some changes in bukkit about when a player losing his vehicle is declared as no longer "insideVehicle".

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  21. Thanks for the update :).
  22. Offline


    Hi, some problem with nocheats, on the player respawn event..
            if (me.getLastDeath()!=null) {
                //Repop en fonction du type de zone
                if (me.getLastDeath().contains("arene")) {
                    event.setRespawnLocation(new Location(player.getWorld(),165,65,-135));
            Location home = me.getFaction().getHome();
            if (Conf.homesEnabled && Conf.homesTeleportToOnDeath && home != null) {
                //Reset le flag pvptime pour eviter le bouclage
                me.setLastPvpTime((long) (System.currentTimeMillis()-Conf.pvptag*1000));
    The first part, if a player is dead in arena, respawnpoint is in the arena,
    Second part is the faction respawn event.
    If i die in the arena... nocheat cancel my move and the respawn fail, else factions respawn work correctly... i dont know why :(.
  23. Offline



    Any chance of supporting precious stones? With precious stones you can create block's that launch you. Nocheat seems to push the player back.
  24. Offline


    I removed the "fly anticheat" and that works.. i dont know why, nocheats cant handle my new location respawn :(.
  25. Offline


    I'll try to find out where the problem lies with these.

    Version 1.04b

    • Improved handling of plugins that set a players velocity a bit
      This may help with precious stones, but I can't guarantee it. My problem is still that there is no reliable way to capture the "player.setVelocity" calls done by other plugins.
    • Potential fix for respawn to custom location bug
      @defthefirst: I'm not sure what is causing this, but I at least believe the problem is that bukkit first sends a packet to the player telling them to respawn at their bed (if existant), before it allows plugins like yours to modify the respawn location to something different and teleporting the player there.
      So now I don't check players at all in the time between the respawn event and the teleportation afterwards and hope that fixes it. If not, I'll see if I can find something else to do about that.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  26. Offline


    Its good for me, custom respawn works.
    Thanks a lot :)
  27. Offline


    I was using previous versions since almost the day it came out, but with the latest update... I don't know what changed but if you die now, it takes you back there as its considered cheating.

    Dying in lava creates an "infinite" loop.

    Could be caused by Essentials Spawn ?

    I've been using this plugin all fine in the past, would be sad that it would become not compatible now :/

    I tried different configurations output, but its impossible to disallow flight and allow respawning.

    Please let me know if there is any fix.


    Edit: Using CB867

    Edit2: EssentialsSpawn is not the problem, I disabled it and it still happen.
    And it happens either if you have a bed or not.

    Edit3: Ok... Now with EssentialsSpawn removed it works...

    I guess i'll set a warp spawn meanwhile...

    Edit4: Replaced EssentialsSpawn by PlgSetSpawn. It fixed it.
  28. Offline


    In the moving violation warning/summary messages, how does the number moving action violations relate to the number of blocks that a player attempted to move from point A to point B?

    The staff on my servers are wondering if it would be feasible to have the violation/summary warning errors in chat cite the number of blocks that a player attempted to move. Versus [player] moved from xyz to xyz, and the number of moving action violations that occurred.

    With a good deal of false alarms from lag, it may be helpful to be able to quickly see in the warning msg how many blocks the player attempted to travel. eg. 2 blocks may indicate the player was just affected by lag and can be disregarded, while a much larger number might be worth investigating. An warning msg sometime like the below with the block numbers:

    [WARNING] NC: moving violation: playername movement (x:10, y:2, z:2)

    We unfortunately had a spate of some staff members banning players for what turned out to be cases of warnings going off due to lag. We are working to try to train them to be able to read/use the current warnings better. But it would easier if they had the number of blocks available at a glance versus trying to figure it out from the coordinates info given.
  29. Offline


    How do i use the experimental customactions:

    I had it like this.

    the dashes before the values symbolizes the spacing i had such as ---- for 1 "set of spaces" and -------- for "2 sets of spaces".
    Show Spoiler

    # Logging: potential log levels are low (info), med (warn), high (severe), off
    ----filename: plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.log
    ----logtofile: low
    ----logtoconsole: high
    ----logtochat: med
    ----logtoirc: med
    ----logtoirctag: nocheat
    # Checks and Bugfixes that are activated (true or false)
    ----speedhack: true
    ----moving: true
    ----airbuild: true
    ----bedteleport: true
    # Speedhack specific options
    --------low: 30
    --------med: 45
    --------high: 60
    # Speedhack Action, one or more of 'loglow logmed loghigh reset'
    --------low: "loglow warnplayerspeed"
    --------med: "logmed kickplayerspeed"
    --------high: "loghigh tempbanplayerspeed"
    --------warnplayerspeed: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop speedhacking!
    --------kickplayerspeed: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for speedhacking!
    --------tempbanplayerspeed: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe speedhacking violations!
    # Moving specific options
    # Moving Action, one or more of 'loglow logmed loghigh reset'
    --------low: "loglow warnplayerfly"
    --------med: "logmed kickplayerfly"
    --------high: "loghigh tempbanplayerfly"
    --------warnplayerfly: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop flying!
    --------kickplayerfly: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for flying!
    --------tempbanplayerfly: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe flying violations!
    # Airbuild specific options
    # How many blocks per second are placed by the player in midair (determines log level)
    --------low: 1
    --------med: 3
    --------high: 10
    # Airbuild Action, one or more of 'loglow logmed loghigh deny'
    --------low: "loglow deny warnplayerbuild"
    --------med: "logmed deny kickplayerbuild"
    --------high: "loghigh deny tempbanplayerbuild"
    --------warnplayerbuild: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop doing illegal building actions!
    --------kickplayerbuild: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for doing illegal building actions!
    --------tempbanplayerbuild: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe building violations!
    # Bedteleport specific options (none exist yet)

    --------warnplayerfly: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop flying!
    --------kickplayerfly: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for flying!
    --------tempbanplayerfly: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe flying violations!
    --------warnplayerspeed: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop speedhacking!
    --------kickplayerspeed: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for speedhacking!
    --------tempbanplayerspeed: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe speedhacking violations!
    --------warnplayerbuild: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop doing illegal building actions!
    --------kickplayerbuild: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for doing illegal building actions!
    --------tempbanplayerbuild: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe building violations!

    and its doing nothing beside spamming up the admins' chat.
  30. Offline


    try this:

    Show Spoiler

    # Logging: potential log levels are low (info), med (warn), high (severe), off
    ----filename: plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.log
    ----logtofile: low
    ----logtoconsole: high
    ----logtochat: med
    ----logtoirc: med
    ----logtoirctag: nocheat
    # Checks and Bugfixes that are activated (true or false)
    ----speedhack: true
    ----moving: true
    ----airbuild: true
    ----bedteleport: true
    # Speedhack specific options
    --------low: 30
    --------med: 45
    --------high: 60
    # Speedhack Action, one or more of 'loglow logmed loghigh reset'
    --------low: "loglow warnplayerspeed"
    --------med: "logmed kickplayerspeed"
    --------high: "loghigh tempbanplayerspeed"
    # Moving specific options
    # Moving Action, one or more of 'loglow logmed loghigh reset'
    --------low: "loglow warnplayerfly"
    --------med: "logmed kickplayerfly"
    --------high: "loghigh tempbanplayerfly"
    # Airbuild specific options
    # How many blocks per second are placed by the player in midair (determines log level)
    --------low: 1
    --------med: 3
    --------high: 10
    # Airbuild Action, one or more of 'loglow logmed loghigh deny'
    --------low: "loglow deny warnplayerbuild"
    --------med: "logmed deny kickplayerbuild"
    --------high: "loghigh deny tempbanplayerbuild"
    # Bedteleport specific options (none exist yet)

    ----warnplayerfly: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop flying!
    ----kickplayerfly: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for flying!
    ----tempbanplayerfly: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe flying violations!
    ----warnplayerspeed: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop speedhacking!
    ----kickplayerspeed: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for speedhacking!
    ----tempbanplayerspeed: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe speedhacking violations!
    ----warnplayerbuild: [2,false] tell [player] Please stop doing illegal building actions!
    ----kickplayerbuild: [2,false] kick [player] You has been kicked for doing illegal building actions!
    ----tempbanplayerbuild: [2,false] tempban [player] 15 m Severe building violations!

    Shouldn't be a big problem. I'll try and add something like that in the next version.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  31. Offline


    How do i format the customactions to have the wait amount of actions then perform it, it refuses to run any of them other than the "warnfly" action.

    ----logmessage: "Moving violation: %1$s from %2$s (%4$.1f, %5$.1f, %6$.1f) to (%7$.1f, %8$.1f, %9$.1f)"
    ----summarymessage: "Moving summary of last ~%2$d seconds: %1$s total Violations: (%3$d,%4$d,%5$d)"
    ----allowflying: "false"
    ----allowfakesneak: "true"
    ----allowfastswim: "false"
    ----waterelevators: "false"
    --------low: "warnfly"
    --------med: "logmed kickfly"
    --------high: "loghigh banfly"

    (located at bottom where customactions is.)
    ----warnfly: tell [player] Please stop flying!
    ----kickfly: [2, false] kick [player] You has been kicked for flying!
    ----banfly: [6, false] ban [player] Severe flying violations!

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