[SEC/MECH/FUN] PreciousStones - Block Area Proteciton System [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by phaed, Jan 18, 2011.

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  2. Offline


    Fixes were very good Phaed, but I still have some bugs here.

    Display for all /ps commands displays incorrect numbers when dealing with large numbers (over nine maybe?) of interlocking fields. Starts saying things were done to hundreds of fields. Counting total blocks covered or a parsing error?

    Also, /ps remove is unreliable. I'm trying to reproduce the instances and permission levels for when it works and does not. More often than not it doesn't work at all, despite the message stating that it does. Removed users remain in the allowed list in forcefields.txt, and remain visible from rightclick inspection. I already triple checked the most likely culprit (permissions) and that isn't it.

    Also, typed protection/owner display when inspecting protected blocks would be super XD. Unless I'm remembering it wrong, that used to be visible on block inspection.

    You are awesome Phaed!
  3. Offline


    Ok thanks....
  4. Offline


    Hi phaed,

    i just started using permissions with your mod and i dont understand how to keep this mod from being disabled.

    2011-02-18 10:12:48 [INFO] [PreciousStones] version [2.1] loaded
    2011-02-18 10:12:48 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 0 unbreakable blocks
    2011-02-18 10:12:48 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 0 forcefield blocks
    2011-02-18 10:12:48 [INFO] [PreciousStones] Permission system not enabled. Disabling plugin.

    I thought I had placed the proper permissions in my permissions config but im sorta stumped.

    If this is bad form to post all of this like this ill use pastebin next time.

    # Supports "Default" and "GroupUsers"
    system: default

    # Groups can contain inheritance.
    # To make a group inherit the permissions from another
    # group simply place the groups name in the "inheritance:"
    # field seperated by commas.
    # Example: inheritance: Default,Admins,
    # All permissions including the asterisks must be placed in single quotes.
    # like so:
    # - 'general.spawn'
    # Otherwise errors will happen!
    # Globalized Permission settings:
    # If a permission contains periods (.) you can denote a globalized parameter:
    # - 'general.*'
    # This will allow you to use all general commands.
    # Single Asterisk denotes all commands:
    # - '*'
    default: true
    build: false
    - 'general.spawn'
    - 'lwc.blockinventory'
    build: true
    - 'lwc.protect'
    - 'preciousstones.benefit.*' #can create precious stones (members)
    - 'preciousstones.whitelist.*' #can add others to their blocks (members)
    - 'preciousstones.benefit.heal' #can be healed in healing zones
    - 'preciousstones.benefit.setname' #can use command /ps setname
    default: false
    build: true
    - Default
    - 'general.time'
    - 'general.teleport'
    - 'general.teleport.here'
    - 'general.player-info'
    - 'lwc.mod'
    - 'preciousstones.alert.*' #in-game alert on notifys and warnings (mods)
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.*' #can bypass all protection (mods)
    - 'preciousstones.benefit.create.unbreakable' #can create unbreakable blocks
    - 'preciousstones.benefit.create.protection' #can create protection blocks

    default: false
    build: true
    - Moderator
    - 'preciousstones.benefit.setname' #can use command /ps setname
    - 'preciousstones.whitelist.allow' #can use command /ps allow
    - 'preciousstones.whitelist.allowall' #can use command /ps allowall
    - 'preciousstones.whitelist.remove' #can use command /ps remove
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.entry' #can enter entry-protected zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.pvp' #can hit peple in pvp free zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.place' #can place blocks in place-protected zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.destroy' #can destroy blocks in destroy-protected zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.protection' #can break other peoples protection blocks
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.unbreakable' #can break other peoples unbreakable blocks
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.unprotectable' #can protect unprotectable blocks
    - 'preciousstones.admin.delete' #can use command /ps delete
    - 'preciousstones.admin.info' #can use command /ps info
    - 'preciousstones.admin.list' #can use command /ps list
    - 'preciousstones.admin.reload' #can use command /ps reload
    - 'preciousstones.admin.setowner' #can use command /ps seowner
    - 'preciousstones.admin.details' #view all details with right-click
    - 'preciousstones.admin.bypass.log' #user does not show up in logs
    - 'preciousstones.admin.*' #admin tools (admins)
    - 'preciousstones.whitelist.allow' #can use command /ps allow
    - 'preciousstones.whitelist.allowall' #can use command /ps allowall
    - 'preciousstones.whitelist.remove' #can use command /ps remove
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.entry' #can enter entry-protected zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.pvp' #can hit peple in pvp free zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.place' #can place blocks in place-protected zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.destroy' #can destroy blocks in destroy-protected zones
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.protection' #can break other peoples protection blocks
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.unbreakable' #can break other peoples unbreakable blocks
    - 'preciousstones.bypass.unprotectable' #can protect unprotectable blocks
    - 'preciousstones.alert.notify.place' #in-game alert on all block placement notifys
    - 'preciousstones.alert.notify.destroy' #in-game alert on all block destroy notifys
    - 'preciousstones.alert.notify.bypass-place' #in-game alert on all block bypass-place notifys
    - 'preciousstones.alert.notify.bypass-destroy'#in-game alert on all block bypass-destroy notifys
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.entry' #in-game alert on all entry warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.fire' #in-game alert on all fire warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.pvp' #in-game alert on all pvp warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.place' #in-game alert on all place warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.destroy' #in-game alert on all destroy warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.noplace' #in-game alert on all noplace warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.destroyarea' #in-game alert on all destroy area warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.conflict' #in-game alert on all conflict placement warnings
    - 'preciousstones.alert.warn.unprotectable' #in-game alert on all unprotectable related warnings
    - 'lwc.admin'
    - '*' ##
    # DarkGrave has control over all commands.
    # sk89q can use /spawn & /time
    group: Admins
    - 'preciousstones.admin.*' #admin tools (admins)
    - 'lwc.admin'
    - '*'
  5. bonjour, Superbe plugins !!!

    ma question : est-il possible de personnaliser plusieurs pierre "ID19" pour plusieurs taille de protection differente? je n'arrive pas a taper la commande /ps setowner "player". je pense que ca doit ce faire ici ?

    merci encore
  6. Offline


    Probably you have tabs or extra spaces before a "-" sign.
  7. c'est bon ca marche !!! :) par contre quand je reboot le serveur les ps en place ne marchent plus oO
  8. Offline


    Am i missing something? I have all notify messages turned off but my mods and I are spammed with "tried to build in protected zone" messages every time someone places something. It makes chat unusable :S
  9. Offline


    CB 325 here. I am sure that I have permissions for node preciousstones.admin.*

    I can do /ps info
    /ps reload, /ps list

    However, /ps delete doesn't seem to do anything when I'm standing on or around any fields.
  10. snif !!! aidez moi s'il vous plais. j'ai tout configuré, et rien n'est saugardé.

    quand je reboot mon serveur j'ai plus de protection. les fichiers "unbreakables.txt & forcefields.txt" sont vide :( cela vient de la ?


    Boo!!! Help I if he please you. I configured everything, and nothing is save.

    When I reboot my server I have more protection.
    Files " unbreakables.txt and forcefields.txt " are empty: (it comes of her ?

    Thank you

    My log : 2011-02-19 11:55:39 [INFO] [PreciousStones] version [2.1] loaded
    2011-02-19 11:55:39 [INFO] [PreciousStones] version [2.1] loaded
    2011-02-19 11:55:39 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 0 unbreakable blocks
    2011-02-19 11:55:39 [INFO] [PreciousStones] loaded 0 forcefield blocks
  11. Offline


    Have you configured Permissions properly? Are your players able to place this stones, then?
  12. non je ne veut pas qu il mettent les pierres. seul les Admin/Modo le font. peut tu me montrer ton config.yml Encryptor ?


    No I does not want that he put stones. Only Admin / Modo makes him. Can you show me your config.yml Encryptor?

    Thank you

    my config.yml

  13. Offline


    Actually I dont use PreciousStones at present, but I've noticed you have no single "preciousstones.benefit" in your permissions..
  14. - 'preciousstones.benefit.*' ne fontionne pas sur les groupes ? il faut le mettre sur chaque membre ?

    - 'preciousstones.benefit.*' No fontionne not no on the groups? It is necessary to put him on every member ?
    --- merged: Feb 19, 2011 2:14 PM ---
    je suis un peut perdu la. j'ai ajouté la commande - 'preciousstones.benefit.*' a chaque joueur mais sans effet :(

    peut tu me dire la manipulation apres avoir posé les cube chez mes joueurs, il y a une chose a faire ?

    I am one can lost. I added the command - ' preciousstones.benefit. * ' has every player but ineffective: (

    Can you tell me the manipulation apres to have rested(posed) gauges them at my player's, there is a thing(matter) has to make?
  15. Offline


    Sorry, I can't understand you.
  16. Can you show me your config.yml "permissions" ? And say to me if after to have placed Preciousstones there has a thing(matter) has to make?

    Sorry, for my language
  17. Offline


    I've tried multiple versions around this same build. Can anyone confirm this same issue? I've tested multiple times with everything disabled but permissions (which loaded properly) and PS.
    --- merged: Feb 19, 2011 5:01 PM ---
    Also, I'm having issues with forcefields overlapping when using two different types. Is this expected behavior? Could it be something in my config file?

    # sample config.yml
    bypass-blocks: [08,09,14,15,16,21,37,38,39,40,56,59,73,74,78,83]
    unbreakable-blocks: [52,54,64,71]
          title: "Death"
          block: 22
          radius: 1
          fast-damage: true
          nameable: true
          title: "Pain"
          block: 42
          radius: 1
          slow-damage: true
          nameable: true
          title: "Sanctuary"
          block: 57
          radius: 5
          prevent-fire: true
          prevent-place: true
          prevent-destroy: true
          prevent-explosions: true
          prevent-unprotectable: true
          nameable: true
          welcome-message: true
          farewell-message: true
          title: "Denial"
          block: 49
          radius: 1
          prevent-entry: true
          prevent-fire: true
          prevent-place: true
          prevent-destroy: true
          title: "Protection"
          block: 48
          radius: 1
          custom-height: 5
          prevent-fire: true
          prevent-place: true
          prevent-destroy: true
          prevent-explosions: true
          prevent-unprotectable: true
          nameable: true
          welcome-message: true
          farewell-message: true
          title: "Vitality"
          block: 41
          radius: 2
          custom-height: 1
          slow-heal: true
          nameable: true
        entry: false
        fire: true
        pvp: false
        place: false
        destroy: false
        destroy-area: false
        unprotectable: true
        bypass-pvp: true
        bypass-delete: true
        bypass-destroy: true
        bypass-unprotectable: true
        conflict-place: true
        place: false
        destroy: false
        bypass-place: false
        bypass-destroy: false
        bypass-unprotectable: false
        guard-dog: false
        entry: true
        fire: true
        pvp: true
        place: true
        destroy: true
        destroy-area: true
        unprotectable: true
        instant-heal: true
        slow-heal: true
        slow-damage: true
        public-block-details: true
        sneaking-bypasses-damage: true
  18. Offline

    IOn Vash

    You need to put a command to disable notifications for admins because this is kinda annoying.
  19. Offline


    there is a setting, under the notify heading.
  20. Offline

    IOn Vash

    i have everything set to false and that still shows up for admins
  21. Offline


    I have a few questions:
    If you make say, cobblestone a forcefield block. Does it make any cobblestone you place a forcefield block? Also, does it affect existing cobblestone?
    Does this support multiple configurations for one block type? I presume it doesn't, just want to be sure.
    I assume we can change the attributes of your default settings? For example, change the dimensions of City Protector.
  22. Offline


    on cb 348 every restart of the server equals all prrecious stones gone (in console it states protection stones loaded 0 unbreakable stones loaded 0

    this is a major bug!
  23. Offline


  24. Salut

    C'est encore moi oO, donc personne peut me dire pourquoi mes fichiers "Forcefields.txt & Unbreakables.txt" reste vide ? rien nse se sauvegarde :'(. lors d'un redemmarage de mon serveur, les Blocs sont toujours la mais non plus aucun effet. j'ai essayé plein de chose mais sans succes.

    Merci de m'eclairer
  25. Offline


    This person wants to know why the text files "Forcefield" and "Unbreakables" are empty. Blocks also have no effect.

    Please use English next time.
  26. Offline



    google translate nice and easy to use

    this is exactly the same problem as im having

    to otakey;
    Bonjour, quelle version de CraftBukkit utilisez-vous?

    to plugin dev;
    im on cb 348 should i be on a higher one?
  27. hello mrgreaper,

    version 348 craftbukkit, 2.0 permissions
  28. Offline


    I'm also noticing that sometimes the allow list is wiped from stones. So far that brings me to these issues with the current version:

    - Overlapping different types of stones no longer works
    - /ps delete not working at all
    - /ps allow list wipes sometimes

    Can anyone confirm/deny these? I love this plugin but have been having a lot of issues with it since the update.
  29. Offline


    /ps remove does not actually remove, as well.
  30. Offline


    THis appeared after a craftbukkit update:
    2011-02-20 23:34:40 [SEVERE] 20-Feb-2011 23:34:40 org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer loadPlugins
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: ENTITY_DAMAGEDBY_ENTITY
            at net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones.onEnable(PreciousStones.java:121)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:140)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:426)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:187)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:74)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:55)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:179)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.c(MinecraftServer.java:166)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(MinecraftServer.java:118)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:217)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:512)
  31. Offline

    IOn Vash

    any way to fix it sending messages like i last posted? it makes chat unusable
    --- merged: Feb 21, 2011 4:04 AM ---
    I need a way to stop the notifications. I have all notifications set to false and I'm still getting spammed with them.
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